I have decided after careful consideration to try to run for Preident in the 2012 election.I am 34 at this time,married with 3 children.I am an EMT and volunteer firefighter.I am not a politician.I am asking you for your questions and comments.I am also asking for the support of Firefighter Nation members.I am not going to make any promises directly related to issues facing our country at this time.I do have ideas about several of the issues and will explain them either at a later date or when asked.Thank You and you can also find me on myspace by looking for hudson.for.president.2012

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Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 6, 2009 at 11:34pm
Well my education is in fire science,emergency medical services and criminal justice,of course the academics which goes along with that.math,general psychology,english and a few other classes.As for military experience I went to basic training at Ft.Leonard Wood but tore my acl in my left knee and was unable to complete basic training.I have done extensive self study on the history of this country but my main focus of studies have always been things which help people. i.e. EMS,FSC,and CRJ. Thank you
Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 5, 2009 at 9:50pm
I will by the time be 37,I am a Natural born American citizen and I have lived here for over 14 years.I have ideas that can help all Americans.I have done the math on my economic ideas and if done as I have planned would help the American worker and save the industries.Thanks for your question.

To DUST I appreciate your vote however unless you feel I would do a good job I don't want it.
Comment by DUST on June 5, 2009 at 9:23am
If nothing more than for the entertainment value, you will have my vote!
Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 4, 2009 at 8:17pm
Yeah this is true,but all I am asking is one term than if the people still support me I would see another,but considering I would only be 41 at the end of the first term unless there was overwhelming support for myself to run again I would not seek reelection.I would after that term do my duties as a former president but at the same time direct the majority of my time and energy towards my family.
Comment by Kenneth Holley on June 4, 2009 at 6:26pm
Even as popular as Ike was he only served one term. Every politican's ambition once elected to their first term is to serve a second or third and so on.
Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 4, 2009 at 1:08pm
Thank you !!!! If I can get the support I promise I will do the best job I can. The way I see it not being a politician gives me the edge of knowing I need to ask for help and accepting it.I have alot of ideas that on paper work very well any way you figure them.
Comment by anne potter on June 4, 2009 at 10:38am
Hey you got my vote .. for real who else can run this country better..Politicans have proven they can't just look in the shape we are in...
Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 3, 2009 at 8:10pm
I have done some research and found that Dwight Eisenhower our 34th president had no political experience.Only real life experiences.
Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 3, 2009 at 7:54pm
I have actually talked to some people today who are gonna help me get into politics on some level to just to get some experience in politics
Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on June 3, 2009 at 12:16pm
I appreciate the comments.I am well aware of what I am up against.I am looking at it from this point of view."Even though I am not a politician if I can get enough support to discuss my views in the open maube just maybe a qualified politician may pick up on my ideas and run with them and actually have a chance to win.Also maybe I will get asked to run for a local office.

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