The Continuing Chronicles of the FNG(irl): Screw The Holiday Season

Screw the Holiday Season?

Call me Ebenezer if you’d like. But you couldn’t be more wrong. I love Christmas.

It’s not my favorite holiday (I reserve that for the one holiday when I can indulge my passion for horror movies , haunts and costumes) but there’s an aspect of this Season of Giving that I embrace wholeheartedly……the opportunity for reflection and grabbing hold of what’s important. The opportunity to take stock and choose your priorities; the opportunity to be better, to do better, to challenge your self-imposed limitations…at its core, to be the absolute best that you can be.

This also seems to be the season to embrace our inner warm fuzzy; the one time of the year when we can tell those folks who mean the world to us that we love them without reservation, or without fear of being viewed as either a.) politically self-serving b.) a stalker, or c.) too emotional. . I can relate to # 3…..I wear my heart on my sleeve, much to the chagrin and discomfort of my friends and family, but as I like to remind them; I’m always 100% honest, and you NEVER have to guess what’s on my mind. So…for bookkeeping purposes; to my friends and family, and I hope like hell you know who you are……I wish you love, I wish you peace, and I wish you a safe and healthy New Year, straight from my heart. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your seatbelt.

The Holiday Season (and call it what you will; Kwanzaa, Hanukah, Festivus For The Rest Of Us) … my tribe it means Christmas. That means that I’m going to wish you a Merry Christmas. If you don’t celebrate all things Eggnog, Twinkle Lights, the Birth of Christ, Mangers, O Holy Night, Midnight Mass and Massive Trays of Sugar Cookies…. Tis okay…..but don’t take me to task for it. Nor will I hold you in a negative light if you wish me Feliz Navidad or Chag Sameach. Pass the latkes.

How does this apply to the Fire Service?

Take this time to review your actions and activities in your department in the past year. Think about how you can bring more to the table, think about how you can learn more from your senior members, think about how you can relate your experiences to the newest members without coming off like a pompous windbag, or worse, a know-it-all.

I’m going to commit a teensy form of ambush perjury, because I’m privy to future article publications, and I simply must give credit to my pal Tiger Schmittendorf for an article that he wrote which is going to run in the January issue of FASNY’s “Volunteer Firefighter” magazine. Tiger threw a gauntlet in that article. Give all or get out. There’s more to that thought process, but I won’t be posting any article spoilers here. Keep an eye on his page here, or better yet, go to his new site, to get his latest musings on all things fire service. It's good stuff.

Make that your mantra. If you’re in? Then be “all in” . Train, Learn, Reach, Strive, Assess, Adjust, Evaluate, Contribute, Mentor. Ask Questions. Don’t make this the only season to take stock. Do it every day. Do it because you care. Do it because it matters. Do it because you make a difference. Do it because you can save a life. Pay it forward. Train your replacement. Study how to do your job smarter, not harder. Think about safety every day. Learn from your mistakes and share those lessons. Regardless of your status within your department, hold yourself accountable to a higher set of standards.

And while we're on topic of the Season of Giving, take a piece of advice from Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich; find a way to give back this season to those folks who are less fortunate. Look in your own backyard and help out. If you can't afford the cash outlay, give your time and talent. Be a hero; in the best sense of that word.

For my friends who have rocked my world, made me think, challenged me to be better, engaged me in spirited debate, defined the meaning of brotherhood regardless of your gender, taught me a thing or ten, and without whose presence this place would just be …..a place…….I love you all.
Here’s my crush list: Ted, Kim, Tigger, Tiger, Crotty, Jim-Bob Brunelle, Dave B. (and Brianna and Colleen), Kali, , McK, Oe-Jay Stoltz, , Mikey, Art/Chief Reason, Seargeant, Kitty, Kevin, Mick, Dan Muh-sock-inya, Mike from Montana, The Badass Boys from Kingsbury Volunteer Hose, CJ, Bolster, Big Al Dente (snark), The Fogies, Web Chief, Spanner,Philly Bob Allard, Spence, Moose, My FASNY brethren, Andy, Jeff Betz, and Bruce Mack. You people are simply the best and the brightest.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I lift my metaphorical glass to a brand new year of opportunities, challenges, laughter, debate, training, and forging new paths. Thank you for your smart-assed observations and for having my back at every step. This IS the coolest damned job in the world.

Stay safe, and wear your seatbelt.


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Comment by Jim Seargent on December 19, 2008 at 5:08pm
Come to think of it, I wonder if I made the list. Mel may have been talking about Mr. Seargeant.
Comment by Oldman on December 19, 2008 at 9:52am
I couldn't agree more. Very well put.
Comment by Jim Seargent on December 19, 2008 at 12:16am
WOW! Inspiring and thoughtful. I love the way you write. It IS a great honor to be a part of your list. I wish all of you the best. With all of the lights, candles, heaters and decorations, it's our season. Stay low, fight well.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on December 18, 2008 at 11:31pm
Gah!! I had to repost this three times.....#^#((^% spelling errors.

Thanks to all for your generous comments.

Will--if we all did just a little bit more, this world would be a whole lot better. Merry Christmas.
Ted-here, have a kleenex and try to pull yourself together...wouldya?
Mike, don't mention Christmas cards again...
Art, I could write reams about your tremendous talent. Your positive feedback means more to me than you know.
Thanks Kim!! Tell the mini-chicks their "Aunty Mel" sends her love
Strtcopr? "You can have him, I don't want him, he's too striped for me".
Tiger---egregious spelling error corrected. I punished myself accordingly.
Comment by PA Firefighter on December 18, 2008 at 9:47pm
good article, again. You are totally right. Give all or get out. Wish this would work on the career side. We seem to have too many in it for the paycheck. Thank god the majority are there because they love the job.

Hope you have a merry xmas and keep up the articles there always enlightening.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on December 18, 2008 at 6:03pm
"...and the hits just keep on coming!" Thanks Mel for another excellent message, and for putting me on your "good" list. I am very honored to be on it.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family, from all of us.
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on December 18, 2008 at 1:43pm
Thanks Mel and Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you too. Great post as always. Sammi and Brie also say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on December 18, 2008 at 10:18am
Excellent piece, as usual.
We seem to be more "cerebral" this time of year. I think that it comes from the benefit of our wisdom.
As we become more mature, we have the best seat in the house when it comes to looking back on our lives.
Many will cherry pick their memories, but others will give it to you straight; good or bad. Call me crazy, but I seem to learn MORE from bad experiences than from good. Good certainly feels better!
There is some tremendous talent here at the Nation. I worry when I don't see new blogs from our collective writing crew. I mean look at FFN. I think that they may be one of the few websites out there that do not retain staff writers; yet, look at all of the interesting pieces that get posted. I think he is on to something, because it seems to be working.
You're a good man. Thank you for "adopting" needy families. Feel good and know that we are proud of you and your crew.
As is my tradition, I will be posting a new Christmas story at my blog. It is a story of a volunteer firefighter who is down on his luck, can't give his two kids, Bobby and Amy a good Christmas and his future isn't the brightest either. I hope that you find it worthy of your time.
Remember that everyone can help someone.
Comment by Peter Lupkowski on December 18, 2008 at 9:03am
I'm all in to make the Crush List next year. I think this could become the Fire Service equivalent of Time Magazine's "Person of the Year", The Peabody Award, and Nobel Prize all rolled into one. I've got to start flexing my literary muscles! Merry Christmas ;)
Comment by Engineco913 on December 18, 2008 at 7:08am
Ted wants to know where his Christmas card is!! (inside joke here folks)
Merry Christmas to you too!!! The kids say hello and Merry Christmas as well.
Great post (as always. I wish I had half of your writing ability)

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