Firefighters doing city workers jobs...

In some of my past posts you will see my department went from vol. to a Public Safety department with the cops. We are also a combo department now M-F 7am-5pm we have part time guys in house. Our City manager (who is also Public Safety director and chief of police) has stated that the Firefighter on duty will now be doing city worker types of work like turning off peoples water, assisting in changing out sewer pipes, cleaning up yard debris, mowing public parks...ect. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!! Does anyone else out there do city work while working as a "firefighter"?!?
While unrelated to this I was also told that I will nolonger be the training officer, our P.S. director has HIRED one for us. I thought we were doing did all of the other firefighters/first responders. 260 training hours per year is what I set up. A lot more that what is required for now.
All in all i want to close on this..I became a firefighter because I like to help people. NOT because I want to shut peoples water off because they couldn't afford their bill. The mowig and stuff wouldn't be all that bad if it were at the station...not the whole city. Thanks for your time and stay safe. -Matt

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Comment by lutan1 on August 15, 2008 at 6:03pm
2 things, first of all, I have read enough crap from Lutan1 to make me throw up.
Settle petal, I haven't said I agree with the proposal at all In fact I said, "I don't agree with the FF's doing this sort of work") - in fact what I said is that if we are going to argue a poitn, it needs to be a valid argument, not just what if happens if they're on the other side of town shutting off water and it affects response times.

My point is that we could be on the other side of town doing anything (including fire related stuff)- the time will come that our response time will be affected by something we're doing, but we can't sit in the station all day every day becasue of that argument.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on August 15, 2008 at 8:37am
2 things, first of all, I have read enough crap from Lutan1 to make me throw up. LT Jake is exactly rite!!! My department does do training and walk throughs across town but we have our gear and apparatus with us still ready to respond at anytime. Thats alot differant then sittin on a lawn mower having to throw it back on a trailer and haul it back to the station when a call comes in. secondly, I cant say enough how tired I get of doing the towns street and sanitation jobs when thats exactly what comes out of the taxes I'm paying. I thought it was bad when we had to mow the post offices grass next door to our station. I cant agree with you more Matt!!!
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on July 3, 2008 at 6:45am
All 3 of us quit the paid staff... I missed that part up top.
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on July 3, 2008 at 6:43am
Well, first off thanks for the words of comfort and wisdom..As of Monday nite myself and 3 other paid guys were told by the cheif that "if you don't like it, hit the road"... The paid staff is down to 2 guys. I will still be a Lt. and vol. However I'm going to focous my time other places for now. Fot the past 4 years I'm the guy at the station fixing trucks all nite because it has to be fixed, or writing training... Not anymore. I will let the city/ Public safety people run GFD into the ground. I will be there to pick up the pieces when this is all done. I don't like it this way, but we were left with no choice. I will post later on why and how this came to a head and blew up. I will say this.. We have caught guys stealing from the dept, our own brothers!! and the cheif hasn't ever gotten mad. He blew up on us and showed his a$$ to the core group, acted like we were the people who arn't there all of the time.
Again, thanks -Matt
Comment by LT Lake on June 30, 2008 at 4:03pm
and how often are you out doing such things? i see city crews out every day for 8 to 10 hrs its not every day your out training or pre-planing or ............ not to mention when your across town training you will have aparatus and your gear with you. and everything else you listed is department related and i would hope you would have aparatus with you so that you could respond direct to the scene with red lights and sirens not back to the fire hall in your personal vehicle or a city truck and then to the scene which will take at least twice as long. which will fair better in a law suit? - "it took us 15 minutes to get on scene because we were across town training" or "it took us 30 minutes to get on scene because we were mowing grass in the park for the city" thats the point being made there not where we responded from the hall or park.
Comment by lutan1 on June 30, 2008 at 2:52am
and what happens when the entire department is on the other end of town mowing the grass at the park or shutting off water and the alarm sounds?
Whilst I don't agree with the FF's doing this sort of work, I think this response is a flawed argument.

What happens when the entire department is at the other end of town training?

What happens when the entire department is at the other end of town doing some pre-planning?

What happens when the entire department is at the other end of town doing some walk throughs?

What happens when the entire department is at the other end of town doing some PR stuff at the local primary school?

We could go around and around throwing this one back and forth
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on June 28, 2008 at 11:43pm
IAFF..I will look into that on Monday. Thanks.
Comment by Engineco913 on June 28, 2008 at 9:23pm
If you have enough people, go IAFF. They will protect you from doing multiple jobs.
If it smells like crap, looks like crap.... Well, you get the rest
Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on June 26, 2008 at 10:51pm
thanks for the info...I'm mailing the cheif on this now.
Comment by firechief911 on June 26, 2008 at 10:30pm
check with the board of health in my state you cant touch a water meter unless you are a certifed water operator with the stae . that is my day job as im vol fire i dont want just anyone messing with my water system im also firechief street supt waste water operator sanitation constable but thats my day job we are a one horse town but i have 20 vol firemen and being the training officer 17 are certified

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