I know this has happend to others out there...kinda funny now.

Okay, last nite at 2045hrs my engine was heading to the local highschool to do a fire watch for the fireworks... We had a full engine of members and our girlfriends/wives/kids. We also had sevral personal cars just incase we had a call. Well, just before the school we get a medical call for a young girl who fell from 12 feet in the air. We just run our own cars as first responders. So we pull the engine over and myself and my capt jump out and swap from the engine to his truck (driven by his wife...we kicked her out). Thats when my pants split from the zipper to my butt. It was to late to turn back now! So off we go. Upon arival I was relieved to see that I knew the people who owned the house we were responding to...and I ware boxers. I said I would hold c-spine and let my capt take vitals..when the rig showed up there was some laughing over my split pants and the homeowner had a good laugh at my expance. So did everyone else back at the highschool, when they learned of my problem!! Most of the calls lately have been done by the book so it was nice to see everyone laughing it up...even if it was at me! Anyone else have a good story? -Matt

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Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on July 7, 2008 at 10:53pm
LOL, yea but it was hot!
Comment by Rescuefrog on July 7, 2008 at 9:42pm
They make air conditioners to cool you off you know!

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