Rachel T. Corey
  • Female
  • Waterville, ME
  • United States
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Waterville Fire & Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Firefighter/EMT Freeport Fire & Rescue, Bowdoinham Fire,
Chief Bowdoinham EMS
My Training:
Just way too many to list.
About Me:
Met my husband at the 2002 State Fire Convention in Freeport. In fact two marriages resulted from that years convention. We have three daughters between the two of us. My husband,a Captain, two of my brother in-laws,Lieutenants, and my step-daughter are firefighters. And my father in-law is a retired firefighter.
I love the Red Socks (and any team that beats the Yankees!!!! )
I also love the Patriots. Go Pats!
Day Job:
Case Manager
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Adrenaline junky! (just kidding) I really feel like it was a calling, as sappy as that sounds.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The rush of the tone going off........ not knowing what your getting into....the split second decisions that have to be made........I really miss it. I am now a retired/disabled Chief. EMS did my back in. Doctors said I could keep going, but it would just be a matter of time before I would be completely disabled. Im still an instructor. I run calls and take photographs and video. Pretty cool though. I get to have all the fun without babysitting my house, rolling hose, or having to do any overhaul! And no "General Illness" EMS calls at 2:00 AM!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of funds for equipment and training. The public not realizing how little of a salary that the emergency services make.(Police, Fire, EMS) People are always shocked at what we make.They don't see that we work several jobs just to make a living.The lack of respect from the city's, town's and/or communities we work for.(The actual administrators-Mayors-City managers, etc) We are viewed as just sitting around watching TV, playing games, or as glory hounds. They have not one clue about what we do until they have an emergency.....then suddenly we are heroes, even though we are just doing our job. But it is all soon, forgotten....................

Your Firefighter Nation for Firefighting EMS and Rescue Box

We will never forget.

All Women are created equal.
Then a few become Sister's.

Home of the free because of the brave!


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Comment Wall (27 comments)

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At 5:23pm on January 7, 2011, Rachel said…
Nice to meet another Rachel!!!
At 9:03pm on November 13, 2008, Leo Cartwright said…
Thanks Rachel for the reply;
T-shirt size L if they are big XL if they shrink????
Also give me your address and I will forward a patch.
many thanks

Leo Cartwright
246 Kay Street
At 2:40am on October 12, 2008, Brittany said…
At 10:48pm on September 11, 2008, Brittany said…
No, i don't have my laptop it wouldn't charge and im getting the mouse fixed so prob get it back this coming week. but i will see you tomorrow around 4 :) have a good night
At 6:34pm on September 9, 2008, Callie Saulniers said…
Yeah... hopefully we get really nice weather and are able to just have a good time!
At 10:14pm on August 25, 2008, Mike Kilburg said…
I am glad you enjoyed your visit. The weather was pretty good. I figured you would find plent to do. Hope you had some good food while you were here.
At 6:09pm on August 18, 2008, Brenda said…
hi there love the pic of you on the truck. i had some taken on our trucks and with the one of the ambulances that i dispatch for. i am going to add them at one point. take care out there and stay safe. thanks for the add.
At 2:39pm on August 15, 2008, Mike Kilburg said…
At 2:38pm on August 15th, 2008, Mike Kilburg said…
Rachel, Engine 98 is at 202 E. Chicago Ave. Right off of Michigan Avenue near the Hancock building. It is a beautiful old firehouse. Engine 13 is at 259 N. Columbus. The Dive Unit is also there. The places I could send you are in shitty neighborhoods so that probably wouldnt work. If you take the Red Line El south to Cermak you can visit Chinatown. Engine 8 is there and they have cool shirts. If you take the Red Line north to Addison you can check out Wrigleyville/Boystown. Lots to see and do in Chicago. You need to check out Millenium Park. Have fun! Delete Comment
At 2:20pm on August 15, 2008, Brittany said…
Bowdoin From winslow....
i've seen his work his really good!
At 10:08am on August 15, 2008, Brittany said…
ok i'll tell shana :) we are going to funtown/splashtown on sunday with shana,les & the kids so we wont be home until sunday night!!! and i get my senior pictures monday w/ the E-2 and the rest on tuesdays see you saturday :)

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