So it sounded like a maybe upset a few of the readers of The Good Ol Boys of the Firehouse, I apoligize right now for doing this, that was not my intent at all. After reading some of the comments on the post i decided maybe I should answer some of the questions that were posed to me about the post. First of all, Idk why we would tear down a wall during a defensive attack on the structure, I didnt even think about that until it was brought to my attention. Secondly, nothing upsets me about my officers, I love every single one of them and i would trust them with my life in almost any situation. I say almost because sometimes I do question the orders that they give me such as the example in the first post. When I say sometimes, I mean hardly ever, I realize that that is annoying and disrespectful and the last thing I want to do is make someone angry. Third the artile was titled the Good Ol Boys because the officers that make these not so safe decisions, not just in my firehouse but everywhere; have what I call the Good Ol Boy attitude. Now thats not an attitude like their bein an asshole about something, its an attitude like OSHA and NFPA are worthless and they make up stupid rules just to make our job more difficult, and I dont have to wear an airpack while I'm on a roof ventilating or searching a structure. Those are just some examples of things that I have personally seen and heard. Ok, so now that we have some of that cleared up; I just want to say again that I am sorry if i offended anyone by the article and that I have all the respect in the world for my officers.
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