yes life as a emergency services dispathcer can be rough taking calls, sending fire departments out to motorcycle mva's and finding out that the rider or riders are DOA. yes it is very rough. but just like being a fire fighter you learn quickly that you cant save every one and you have to put the bad ones behind you. this is not an easy thing to do knowing that you took the call for that motorcyclist down or person hit by the car, not knowing what happened to that person or persons can be stressful, take one call at a time that all you can do, dont rush your job, get all the info, help the fire chief, ambulance corp., fire department, police department out, let them know as much info as you can possibly get from the caller. the dispatcher has to remeber the caller thinks that thier call is the biggest emergency in the world, no one elses call is as important as thiers when they call, even the "frequent flyers", everyone knows what im talking about the people who call all the time day in and day out, the ones where the fire department or ambulance corps do not respond to right away because they know they are going to get an RMA.

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Comment by Dan on October 14, 2008 at 10:10pm
Thanks for the suggestions on what to do i will pass them on to other members of other depts.
Comment by Scott S on October 14, 2008 at 1:26am
Chris and Dan since I've moved I've found some different things in dispatching between NY and NC. In NC we have county rescue squads, along with county ems agencies. This was done since most volunteer agencies didn't have the equipment or training to handle severe entrapment in mva's. In the county I dispatch for the rescue squad is beginning to be phased out since most of the vol depts have upgraded their equipment and training and are able to handle the accidents better. In this county we also don't dispatch PD prior to any other agency to an mva. Top priority is fire,and ems reponse unless there is a scene safety issue. If your communications center is also under the management of a sheriffs dept and not directly under control of emergency management then PD will be more involved.
Comment by Chris Parliman on October 13, 2008 at 8:18am
Dan, the one thing i can suggest is to have all the volunteer dept's write a letter to the comm center expressing your concerns and complaints. ask for a meeting to go over the SOP's and figure why the only paid department is being dispatched to a call where it is going to take them an exteneded amount of time to get too.
Comment by Dan on October 13, 2008 at 12:46am
Where I'm from the comm. center will dispatch law enforcement to a roll over mva before fire or ems, they will also dispatch the only paid dept in the county all before the deptartments that are closest to the scene. What is the thinking behind all this? We try to have sops changed but they don't want to work well with the county depts. Its not about who gets to the scene first, its the patient right?? At time the dispathcers act like we as volunteers don't know anything. Whats there to do to change things?
Comment by Justin Buck on October 12, 2008 at 10:14pm
im a forestry dispatcher. how is it going

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