Chris Parliman's Blog (4)

Offically fire chief

After finally graduating college and running the fire department as assistant chief for the past year, the fire department and board of fire commissioners made it offical last night. All the headaches are now mine offically and members will get mad, but such is life, you can't please every one all of the time, you can only please some of the people some of the time. Even though I look forward to the challenges, I also look forward to the many new things that some of the members would like to… Continue

Added by Chris Parliman on December 9, 2008 at 4:28pm — 5 Comments

Full Time college work and full time job with family and fire dept duties...... wow

Yes talk abot a lot on you plate, I'm a full time dispatcher, just finished college work for an AA degree in Fire Science, with a family of four and of course my duties as fire chief. Having completed my college studies, some of the stress will be relieved for now. The family fun with my wife and children never gets dull or stressfull, as a matter of fact that is kind of my stress reliever. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the duties at the fire house can be delegated out, so not so much… Continue

Added by Chris Parliman on November 18, 2008 at 10:01pm — 2 Comments

Life as a dispatcher

yes life as a emergency services dispathcer can be rough taking calls, sending fire departments out to motorcycle mva's and finding out that the rider or riders are DOA. yes it is very rough. but just like being a fire fighter you learn quickly that you cant save every one and you have to put the bad ones behind you. this is not an easy thing to do knowing that you took the call for that motorcyclist down or person hit by the car, not knowing what happened to that person or persons can be… Continue

Added by Chris Parliman on October 12, 2008 at 9:24pm — 5 Comments

Being a chief

OK so officially I have been chief of my fire department for just over a month, and people think it is so easy being chief. let me tell you first hand it is not all that easy, you have to be every one's friend, you have to be a father to the young guys, a brother to you peers and a listener to the ones who where ther before you. In addition to that you also have to be the leader that the department need you to be, making quick and life changing decisions. Making everyone happy is impossible, it… Continue

Added by Chris Parliman on October 11, 2008 at 8:58pm — 3 Comments

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