Full Time college work and full time job with family and fire dept duties...... wow

Yes talk abot a lot on you plate, I'm a full time dispatcher, just finished college work for an AA degree in Fire Science, with a family of four and of course my duties as fire chief. Having completed my college studies, some of the stress will be relieved for now. The family fun with my wife and children never gets dull or stressfull, as a matter of fact that is kind of my stress reliever. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the duties at the fire house can be delegated out, so not so much pressure is on myself. My employment status has not changed since I started my college studies last year. Yes, when I took over and chief of my fire department I did not expect to be doing so, I expected to taking over in Jan., but things are going good, and if you take one day ate a time, everything goes smoothly.

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Comment by Chris Parliman on November 19, 2008 at 9:01pm
Melissa, college is a great adventure. I did all my college work on line so I could do one class at a time. If you need any help send me a message and I will help you as much as I can ok. Good luck and remember take your time pacing your self is the key.
Comment by Melissa on November 19, 2008 at 12:00pm
Glad things are settling down for you. I am about to start college only part time but I work full time for the biggest company in the U.S. where I am a volunteer industrial fire fighter/Hazmat Tech. I also volunteer in my small rural home town. I also have a family with a small amount of support. I'm a little scared of the adventure I'm about to begin but I am also excited.

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