OK so officially I have been chief of my fire department for just over a month, and people think it is so easy being chief. let me tell you first hand it is not all that easy, you have to be every one's friend, you have to be a father to the young guys, a brother to you peers and a listener to the ones who where ther before you. In addition to that you also have to be the leader that the department need you to be, making quick and life changing decisions. Making everyone happy is impossible, it can not be done no matter how hard you try. Also with a family time management is a must, by spending time with your family and letting things get handled with out you. Then on top of all of that work and making sure your bills are paid, in my case working a regular shift and over time that is taken.

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Comment by Kenneth Holley on October 12, 2008 at 2:10pm
My father,who served in the Air Force for over 30 years and retired as a Chief Master Sargent, once said to me. "You have to go by the rules until you can make the rules". As a firefighter and a staff officer you probably did this. But now it's your turn to make the rules. No you won't make everyone happy and some of your oldest friends might distance themselves from you, and you will make new enemies that you did not know you had. But being chief is not a popularity contest, at least in most departments. Do what you think is best for your department and you members. If they don't like it , well don't let the door hit them on their way out.
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on October 12, 2008 at 2:46am
just don't let people say that gold is toxic about you. don't forget where you came from...

basic rules for survival...

1. don't tell the cook how to cook
2. don't tell the driver how to drive
3. if it can't be delegated, then don't do it...

best of luck and congratulation on your professional accomplishments!

TCSS, Mike from Santa Barbara
Comment by Ron Maddox on October 12, 2008 at 1:24am
Welcome to the MANAGEMENT!!!

The one thing I can say as an officer is this, Don't try to make everyone happy. I've seen it done and the minute you need to "Put your foot down", it seems everyone thinks your on a power trip. Hang in there and remember what I tell my recriuts - This is not a democracy, its a monarcy, and you are KING.

They all think its funny but it's true.

Be safe Chief.

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