Ron Maddox
  • 54, Male
  • Dry Ridge
  • United States
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Welcome to "Ronco's Corner" at Firefighter

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer, Lieutenant, EMT - Basic, Driver / Engineer, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Dry Ridge Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Grant County Ambulance Service
Grant County Rescue Squad
Grant County EMA
Haz-Mat 7 (Regional Haz-Mat Responce)
My Training:
I am a KY certified career firefighter with approx. 3500 hours training.
I also hold a Natiional Registry EMT-B Certification as well as a Ky EMT-B Certification.
KY Certified Fire and Rescue Trainer. Haz-Mat Tech.
Certified Fire Investigator.
About Me:
I started my career in January 1990. In 1992 I became an EMT and started working for the local EMS Service and joined the county Rescue Squad. In 1994 I was promoted to Chief of the rescue Sqad and held that position until 1996. I continued my education and became a Haz-Mat Tech in 1995, a fire investigator in 1996, and an instructor in 1997. I was elected to be the departments historian in 1998, after I dug up some old material on the department. During 1998 I let my EMT expire due to a demanding job. In 2003 I became a certified EMT-FR and in 2006 I certified as an EMT-B. I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in 2006 and I am at that rank at the present time. In 2005 I was given the Training Officers position for our department and I hold that to this date as well. I am the lead instructor for the departments Recruit Class that we put on once a year and am respocible for setting trainings up and the entering of those trainings to the State of Kentucky Fire Commission. I spent two years as a paid part time employee of the Dry Ridge Fire Department from late 2004 until January 2007. At the current time I am a volunteer.
Day Job:
State Highway Department, Road Maint.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
When I started, there was a few friends that were in the department and they talked me into it. Who would have thought that it would take me this far...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Knowing "WE" make a difference
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The lack of TRUE intrest for the fire service from new members. This is for voluntreer as well as paid. The attitude when I started was about Pride, Honor, Integrity, and community service. Today it seems that it is more about "What will the Department do for Me" with new members. The Pride is leaving the Service and no one seems to be able to get it back.

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Ron Maddox's Blog

I must VENT!!!!!

Posted on December 7, 2008 at 2:35am 6 Comments

Well today marks the true start (for this season) of the silly crap that people do. Today in Dry Ridge we had our first round of bad roads. For some reason everyone forgets how to drive in the snow. It started to stick to the roads about 0600 and by 0900 we were on the first of many runs for the day. This happens every year, for what ever reason no one drives with caution. And tose tat do drive, especially those going to shop could care less why you are out running red lights and do not care as… Continue

I have a quick question...

Posted on May 27, 2008 at 11:25pm 4 Comments

Is it me or do departments today rely more on electronic tools than before?

TIC is one.


Computers on our trucks.

Power point presentations.

Cell phone and Nextel.

Are we as the fire service getting to the point where we can not fight fire anymore without a Thermal Imaging Camera as the first thing off our trucks?

Do you feel that we depend on these things more now and if so - should we?

When I started (a thousand years ago) we… Continue

Why do you do this job?

Posted on December 15, 2007 at 3:47pm 5 Comments

This is a question I ask my recruits when I start a new class...

Why do you want to be a firefighter? When I started it was different than today. We joined to help people and to aid the department. Today it seems that most of the new (younger) members feel that we shoud give them everything for joining the department. I know that I will get RIPPED for this but its true. When I started you kept your mouth shut, gave respect to the leaders of the department, and did what you were told…


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At 7:23am on March 5, 2009, Will said…
Hey Ron a buddy of mine asked me if i had any family on here i said that i don't know then i seen several members with the same last name.

Give me a holler and we can talk about it.
At 8:04pm on March 4, 2009, Monique Johnson said…
hello! thanks for the request!
At 10:02am on February 2, 2009, Amanda Kolb said…
thanks man
At 12:36pm on January 7, 2009, Heather said…
Thanks for the comment.Stay Safe and God Bless!!!!!!
At 4:05pm on January 5, 2009, Carly said…
At 12:43am on January 3, 2009, Maria Rochelle A Mendova said…
Hi Ron! Greetings from the Philippines.Thanks for the welcome!
At 3:55am on December 31, 2008, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Howdy Ron! Any chance of swappin a patch?? Stay low and be safe!

At 6:45pm on December 23, 2008, Cindy Hardy said…
Thanks for the welcome, Ron! Merry Christmas from Virginia!
At 11:10am on December 23, 2008, Faith Ann Wilkinson said…
Have a happy holiday and stay safe.
At 6:22pm on December 21, 2008, Dayna Hilton said…
Thanks, Ron. Stay safe out there.

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