When I first joined my department I found that the older members after a meeting, drill, work detail or even on a Sunday morning or at quick call on a Monday night would play a card game called Euchre. Now let me tell you, I love card games and I am always willing to learn how to play a new game.

In my department I was lucky cause I knew all the guys that played so, they decided in their great wisdom to teach me this game. It is not an easy game to learn and I will tell you don't try to learn how to play the game while drinking beers. It gets even more confusing. I do have to say that I am pretty good. I guess you could say that I impressed and or just shocked the guys that had been playing for years when I would win a hand and they would try to figure out how I did it. There were plenty of those and I didn't even know how I did it...

While learning to play this game I found out that this is a very serious thing. You better have a good clue on what you are doing cause they know if you don't and let you know it. Oh, and talking to your partner and making any motion or conversation that might suggest you hinting that you want that to be suit is a real no no. Then there is reneging, and that is a major mistake that will just about cost you your life. Man it is hard to keep the rules straight. I did pretty good and I play every chance I get. It does get confusing about the right and left bower and all that but it is fun anyway. Now it seems that the only time I play is when I go away for training. The other girls and there are only a handful that know how to play, and I play at night after dinner and we have a blast and try to teach anyone that wants to learn.

We still have a very small group of 4 guys that still play on Sunday morning, but not really anyone else any more. So, do any of you play this game in your departments whether it be Volunteer or paid in your down time or are there other card games or games in general that you play when you aren't busy with calls or cleaning the equipment or station ....

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Comment by Marcus on October 7, 2008 at 12:32am
LCR ha
Comment by Joe Stoltz on October 6, 2008 at 10:34pm
Boy... we haven't had a good euchre game at the firehouse in many years. It was popular with the older folks, mostly. Someone tried to teach me once but I turned out to be a pretty poor student.
Comment by O'Kitty on October 6, 2008 at 8:57pm
My brother's used to play Euchre. I sorta learned how to play it a couple times way back when. No recollection remains now.
Our dept doesn't play any games.
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on October 6, 2008 at 6:19pm
you are so right. I used to get that look also. My reply usually was "I don't know, but it worked and we got the point." That really drove them nuts. Good thing I knew all of them so well. You are right Christian about bridging that generation gap... LOL
Comment by Christian on October 6, 2008 at 6:14pm
Euchre is a big part of my company. We even have tournaments during the winter months. And your Kimberly when you screw up around an old guy, your dirt. I have even won the hand and still got the why did you do that look. But is a great way to bridge the generation gap. The discussions you have while you are playing are all worth it. And if I have a winning hand and the bell rings, I make sure everyone knows it!
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on October 6, 2008 at 2:17pm
Oh don't I know it....
Comment by Peter Lupkowski on October 6, 2008 at 1:08pm
Euchre is a calling here. The people that don't know how, or don't understand make fun of it, but having the Dutchman, or sliding a card to your partner while you say "alone" is almost as good as a good call. Conversely throwing in a winning hand when the tones drop may be one of the saddest things done all day.

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