Kimberly A Bownas's Blog (8)

Training Weekend for Female Firefighters

As a firefighter it is imperative that we train. However, state classes seldom fit into my schedule, and in my county, opportunities to take the classes I'm interested in are few and far between. Fortunately, I have been able to attend many classes I otherwise might have missed in recent years, by going to the annual Women Firefighters' weekend at the New York State Fire Academy in Montour Falls. This weekend was started by the Fire Service Women of New York State. This is a great organization… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on September 28, 2009 at 8:13am — 10 Comments

A Basic Drill but a Good Drill

We have had very few drills this past year and what drills we have had have been the same thing time and time again. Last night we had a drill and it was to be an SCBA recertification drill. When everyone assembled at the firehouse in the upper bay we were informed that the drill was going to be a little different. Everyone was wondering what the drill was going to entail. The Lt. running the drill stated that it wasn’t going to be an SCBA recertification as everyone expected. We went over the… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on February 4, 2009 at 9:13pm — 25 Comments

Fire Department Physicals and what age should you change from interior to exterior

I have to ask this question and this is why. Last night we had our yearly department physicals. We ran the gambit of fit testing, the breathing test, eye exam, hearing test, EKG and physical exam.

Everything went as normal for me, I filled out the normal papers and then I started going through the stations. Vision which was pretty normal, oh yes they asked for a urine sample. Nothing serious they just check and make sure there are no abnormalities in it. Did my hearing test, it was… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on January 29, 2009 at 8:12am — 19 Comments

Back In the Saddle

I’m back to work after being a stay-home mom for a while to take care of the two youngest in our house. This year the youngest started school, and I started working for a paid EMS service two days a week. I work two 12 hour shifts – that’s really all I need. My agency responds to emergencies, as well as doing inter-facility transports. I worked yesterday and we did a couple of emergencies and then a bunch of transports, some to nursing homes and some to residences. I prefer the latter - the… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on November 30, 2008 at 5:59pm — 7 Comments

Down time games

When I first joined my department I found that the older members after a meeting, drill, work detail or even on a Sunday morning or at quick call on a Monday night would play a card game called Euchre. Now let me tell you, I love card games and I am always willing to learn how to play a new game.

In my department I was lucky cause I knew all the guys that played so, they decided in their great wisdom to teach me this game. It is not an easy game to learn and I will tell you don't try… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on October 6, 2008 at 12:28pm — 7 Comments

Why I’m Here

There have been posts asking people why they became a firefighter or an EMT and there have been some interesting reasons on why they are doing what they do. Well, here is how I decided to become an EMT and a firefighter.

My father was in the service. He used to tell me stories here and there about how he wanted to travel overseas, while some of his friends wanted to be stationed here in the States and stories of being a doctor in the service. As it turned out, my father was stationed… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on August 15, 2008 at 9:33pm — 10 Comments

Knowing what we teach is getting through..

In my profile, it’s mentioned that I am head of our fire prevention team in my department. I joined my department as a firefighter in April, 1991 (I’d been active in the Auxiliary for several years prior). It didn’t take me long to get involved with the fire prevention in our department, at the urging of the Chief at the time.

With another member of our department, Rich, I started a newsletter to distribute around the village for the community to take and read. We had a lot of safety… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on June 25, 2008 at 12:21pm — 4 Comments

Just trying to make sense out of it.

I have been an active member in our department for 17 years now, and I have already seen more things that I keep trying to make sense out of and just can’t.

About 3 months after finishing Essentials we were dispatched for an auto accident with entrapment and a vehicle fire. On arrival we had one victim out and the EMS crew was working on him across the road away from the vehicle. The second victim was still in the vehicle and you could hear him screaming in the car as the fire was… Continue

Added by Kimberly A Bownas on May 2, 2008 at 1:38pm — 16 Comments

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