I am so nervous right now, I think I am gonna be sick. I have a couple of days to go until I have surgery. The patholigist report from this surgery will determine my fire career. It has taken me this long to get up the nerve to go back into it again and now I am faced with the possibility of chemo/radiation which obviously puts me out for good. It sucks bad enough that I had to back out of my upcoming classes just because I won't be recovered in enough time. I gotta go work on my car or something or I am gonna drive myself nuts.

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Comment by Mike W. on January 5, 2008 at 7:56am
Hey Jenn remember that you are a firefighter and you always will be. No one and nothing can ever take that away from you. You stay strong sister and remember there are a lot of people out here that care about you and are praying for you. Don't let yourself or us down.

God bless you Jenn....
Comment by Mark Montgomery on January 5, 2008 at 6:24am
Hey Jenn, stay strong. You have lots of people supporting and praying for you. Hang in there.
Comment by Donnie Bathje on January 4, 2008 at 10:44pm
Jenn I know i don't have to tell you, but never quit and never give in....You are strong, stay that way. Take a break see how things go, you may be back again. If they say no, it doesn't matter, you will always be a sister firefighter to us. Let us know how things go. Stay safe.....
Comment by Brigid on January 4, 2008 at 9:40pm
Deep breath, Jenn, deep breath. Nothing sucks worse, been there myself...just keep putting one foot in front of the other and try not to play the "what if" game. I'm thinking about ya...let us know how things turn out.

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