Thanks for all of you that gave advice on my post husband? I've talked to him and told him it was either me with my pager and all that came along with that or there was no me. Well it looks like I'm single again. Just thought you might like to know. Happy Holidays everyone.

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Comment by Jojo on December 23, 2007 at 3:01pm
Thanks again for the support.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on December 23, 2007 at 3:13am
I hope that you understand that it was NEVER about you wanting to be in the emergency services and a loved ones' natural concern for you and your safety.
It was about CONTROL. And THAT in no way, shape or form has anything to do with love.
I know a little about love. I have been in love with the same women for 32 years.
The one that you will meet-and he will be the right one- will love, honor and support you with all his heart. And even if he has different diversions, he will share your passion for your's.
Trust your heart. It will NEVER be wrong.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on December 23, 2007 at 12:40am
JoAnn -

You're my hero.

Congratulations on your decision, tempered with the pain of losing someone you obviously cared about.

With your positive outlook and clear direction in life, you should have no problem attracting another worthy soul.

Merry Christmas!
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on December 23, 2007 at 12:01am
As much as many blow their own horn on here about how special we are as a group, it TRULY takes an amazing person to be an Emergencty Services spouse. Hence the divorce rate amongst our ranks. You most likely saved yourself lawyer fees down the road and a lot of heartache as well. Not everyone is cut out to marry one of us, I for one am glad you were strong enough to admit it to yourself.
As hard as it is, I think we are all proud of you and you showed great decision making ability in the process.
God Bless and Merry Christmas.
Comment by ffbam24 on December 22, 2007 at 11:28pm
That took A LOT of courage.
I'm glad you kept an open-mind.
Your sudden singleness is another testament to our suspisciouns.
Look at it this way, he just gave you one of the best Christmas presents ever; your life to continue on doing what YOU want.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Spend it with both your families.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on December 22, 2007 at 9:57pm
JoAnn, that took a lot of courage and I do believe that you will find a mate that will accept you as you are... hopefully in the emergency services too! Take care of yourself. Merry Christmas!

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