I'm a girl therefore I'm useless?

So this is more to vent than anything else. I am new to the fire department and am switching over from EMS. On the ambulance I am respected and trusted because I have seen the calls and been there and worked side by side with the others on my service. However, now as I join the fire department for the first time no one is respecting not because I'm new and am learning that I would at least understand but no they are not respecting me because I am a female! There is a woman who has been on our volunteer department for 17 years! She is the first to volunteer for things and the first one to help teach someone no matter what sex they are! Well she put in her application for captain this year and is now being treated differently because she dared to try for an officer position. To give you a history she would be the first female officer our department has ever had! It makes me want to just stick to EMS, I am really enjoying firefighting when the right people are around me it makes me almost not want to go when the pager goes off! I just don't know how to handle it or what to do? I don't want to be driven out because of my sex. Sometimes people make me wonder.

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Comment by cliff thurlow on March 3, 2008 at 3:19pm
You go girl,,from an old guy with 25 years behind him,how I have a great website for you to listen to.


Comment by Jojo on March 2, 2008 at 1:53pm
Thanks for the imput I am not planning on quitting it has gotten a little better lately the guys that are closer to my age and the ones I respond with are getting to the point where the trust me more one even apoligized for acting how he did
Comment by Chris Reha on March 1, 2008 at 11:21am
Keep fighting it, Prove yourself and work hard I'll tell you I have 3 very close friends that are female fighters in my mutual aide Depts and guess what with the PPE on they are no different, infact I trust them more than half the guys on my Dept to go inside with me. They have worked very hard and have proven themselves, take no guff and use your common scense as that is 99% of the battle. Never stop learning and show interest, take as many classes as you can and make as many calls as possible as experience is everything! Keep pushing!
Comment by cliff thurlow on January 29, 2008 at 8:52am
Hang in there,I worked in a paid Dept. for many years some of the females would out work the guys by far.Looked much better also,stand your ground.take a minute and ck out my website
Comment by Jojo on January 9, 2008 at 10:36pm
Elections came and went and she didn't get anything:-( Not for lack of trying but there is always another year.
Comment by james slone on December 31, 2007 at 10:15pm
hey stick in there and hold your ground. also for the other female on your department i think it is great for her to try for a officer positon. I think if she is qualified then she should get it. i think it is great for women to be in the fire service.
Comment by Sonny 1 on December 30, 2007 at 4:38pm
I agree with AKA Sam do what you want, not what they are trying to make you do. Be your own person and start climbing that ladder. Look up Laddergirl she was being the same way now SHE'S a CAPTAIN. Talk to you soon.
Comment by Salli aka Sam on December 30, 2007 at 12:27pm
Stay put..don't you dare let them make you walk away from something that you enjoy doing..you'd be giving into them and that's exactly what they want...keep your chin held high and keep right on agoing
Comment by Brad Carlson on December 30, 2007 at 10:07am
Dont give up on someyhing you think youre going to be good at.Give it a chance and stand youre ground.
Comment by Sonny 1 on December 30, 2007 at 9:12am
Joann , Just hang in there and do your best , everything will fall into place. Just show the MUTTS what you are made of and don't let ANYONE get to you. You be the best firefighter you can be. The TRADITION has been slipping away with all the new young blood . Take advice from old schoolers and follow your heart. Try not to get involved with the clicks, just to fit in , be yourself, if they still give you a hard time, SCREW THEM your a FIREFIGHTER first and foremost. Good Luck. All in/ All out. Sonny

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