I consider myself somewhat a loyal Republican, so I must admit when I first read about Obama's choice of VP nominee as Joe Biden-I started to wonder if the Republicans could make a just as strong and bold move with McCain's nominee who, this time last week, was still up in the air, with a few front-runners.

I must confess, that even though he is a Dem, Joe Biden is one hell of a choice for the DNP (Democratic National Party). I am quite young so I wasn't around when Joe Biden made/did most of his Political power house moves back in the late '70's and early '80's, which has gotten him where he is. But I have followed some of his moves in recent years; which way he votes, how he supports Blue-Collar families-specifically us Fire-Fighters, EMS/Health care providers, small business owners and yes even the farmers of the South and Midwest. I gotta hand it to him, as a Dem he's pretty solid. So when I heard that is who Obama had chosen-I was starting to re-think my vote for McCain.

Now I'm not a fair-weather voter-I have also been following McCain's career. When I was in High School I read by choice-almost by accident, Senator and Retired Lt. Commander, and yes a former Navy Pilot, (which is probably drew me to his book with my own aspirations of becoming a Navy Pilot at one point) Faith of my fathers. I didn't even know who John McCain was but I was struck with his struggle to survive 5 1/2 years of brutal torture and even regretting a confessional statement to this day, as the NVA pushed him to his breaking point.

Much later, while in College, Junior year to be exact, I began to immerse myself into being more politically savvy and actually interested in how I cast my vote instead of who looks & talks the best in front of a lens, and who has more friends. My dad and uncles would kill me if they only knew that's how I picked the new president-but hey I was young and dumb and...well we in the Fire Service know the rest of that line. But I digress, call it my own interest to in cage myself into political discussions or maybe it was all those MTV commercials about voting, either way I wanted to listen and make my vote count for a solid reason.

So I began to listen and follow McCain's experience & vision for the future of this country. I truly wanted him to win the Republican Primary in 2003-2004. Sadly, we all know how that turned out. Yet I still held a glim hope that one day McCain would lead this great nation. And why-because McCain is one of the only candidate's who says what he believes in and sticks by it-unlike some other people we know who made certain comment about hard working people when in their own town-and then condemned them for sticking to their religion, guns and hard work.

Needless to say, when Senator McCain finally did make his choice for running-mate and it turned out to be this little known Governor from Alaska-to say I was shock is an understatement. I had felt let down. How could John McCain, my hero, America's best, most experienced choice for the next president, choose such a piss-poor running-mate. As of Tuesday morning at the local Alplaus Coffee House Samuel's, I had made my choice-I didn't like it but how could I vote McCain when he had let me down, let the RNP down, let the Blue-Collar Families of America down....

Governor Palin's speech was amazing, it was assertive, funny, light, in your face AND EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED! I have to tell you, having no knowledge of the Governor's political history, or experience, she has once again won my vote for VP in 2008. Last night she did exactly what she needed to do-yes she didn't cover every major issue facing this election as Joe Biden would later be quoted as pointing out. But she laid it all out; a no-holds bar against the media which is more concerned with the way she is handling her daughter's pregnancy with her future son-in law then the issues of the campaign. She also called Joe Biden out-now it's his turn to be under the hot seat. I want to see the same enthusiasm, the same energy, the same fire from Joe Biden as I have come to expect. And as far as his interview, although it was very respectful, especially as not to slander and even commending her on a wonderful speech, and then muffed it off as a great show. Now wait a minute, this is Joe Biden right? The DNP VP Nominee right??? Barrack Obama's running mate right??? I mean has he seen Obama's speech's? Has he seen how Obama use the media as some sort of way to elevate himself comparable to some Hollywood stars-who's more interested in hearing his name on TV, and in Newspapers and in lights then he is actually caring for the hard working Americans of this great Nation-the same hardworking Americans who hold onto their Religion, their Guns, their sense of Hard work values????

I say bring it on DEMS, now is the time to put up or shut-up!! We didn't start the battle but we're going to finish the war-you called our bluff and now it's time to anti up or fold!!!!

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Comment by Damon Dyer on September 9, 2008 at 6:18pm
I'm with you all the way .
Comment by Scott Runkel on September 5, 2008 at 12:41pm
Yes I have read the "fact-checking" stuff you left on my page; and while I'll thank you for commenting, and opening my eyes to what at first appears to point out hypocrisy in Governor Palin's corner, I am not ready to accept news/facts that are sponsored by Exxon Mobile-who I might add has contributed a lot of funding for the Obama Campaign-whom states that his Energy reform is centered around "clean" energy today and investment in Alternative fuels sources tomorrow. Sorry I just don't like when Presidential candidates are in the pockets of BIG OIL companies...
Comment by Capkurt on September 4, 2008 at 3:41pm
Hey guys, before you get all over excited about the new VP candidate, check out her history of funding special need in Alaska. Seem she cut funding for schools for special need kids by 62% in the budget years of 2008 and 2009. Here's the link for fact checking for speech last night:
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 4, 2008 at 11:31am
Joe Biden:
Oh yeah; he's the guy who said that he was too broke to pay his bills from his failed Presidential bid.
Several thousands of dollars, if I recall.
Oh, it's going to be a spirited and fun run for the White House.
With the Reagan Democrats and the Hilary supporters jumping over, that should just about wrap it up for McCain/Palin.
When Palin looked right into the camera last night and told parents of children with special needs that she would be their advocate in Washington, you could almost hear a collective "finally" in the air.
Let's face it; she's scares the hell out of the Democrats and the McCain/Palin ticket is the strongest one that I have seen since Nixon/Agnew. Bar none.
I'm giddy.

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