Come on FFN Members, I would like some of your recipes to benefit someone!!!

My brother-in-law Jason Adams (24 yrs old) has Hodgkins Disease and a mass growing behind his heart. The doctors are doing a biopsy this week and then a chemo treatment that will take three days. Then he will have to have a Stem Cell Transplant. Which cost around $60,000. Jason has no insurance. However, his cancer doctor has found a surgeon that will do the biopsy for free and the hospital will provide its services for free. However, the Stem Cell Transplant will not be free. Even after all of this the doctor is only giving him a 40 to 50% chance of survival.
My wife and I are in the process of coming up with several fundraisers to help raise money for the cause. One of those fundraisers will be a recipe book. What I need from my fellow brothers and sisters are your recipes, if you would like to have them published. I will need you to forward them to my wifes e-mail address.
When you send them, please send your first and last name, and your city and state. This way you get credit for your recipes when they are published. Also please tell your family and friends. I want to get as many recipes as possible. I will try to sell them for $15.00. If you are interested in purchasing one send me a message on or my wifes e-mail or phone us.
May God Bless You
Thank you in advance,
Donald & Felicia Evans

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Comment by Kathy Miller on August 30, 2008 at 9:48am
Will be sending recipes this afternoon. May God watch over your family.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on August 28, 2008 at 12:47pm
I am very sorry to hear of your situation. I lost a very dear friend to cancer a while back but it certainly doesnt compare to what you and your family are going through. My prayers are with you and your family and I am certainly going to dig through the families recipe box tonight and see what I can come up with for you.
Comment by The God and Goddess on August 24, 2008 at 10:32pm
I sent your wife some recipes already. I entend to send more. My husband, family and myself are sorry to hear what is going on with your family. My husband (28yrs. old) is having his right leg finally amputated in the weeks to come because of MRSA and VRE.

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