Bruce C Ziebarth's Blog (79)

FEMA Asks Trailer Users to Start Paying Rent

FEMA's trailers have become a symbol of FEMA's potential disorganization. Many remember the photos of FEMA trailers standing unused in parking lots, while citizens are in need of homes. Last year's fermalgyheide incident, involving FEMA trailers, did not help reduce this stigma. FEMA's trailer program has once again been thrust into the spotlight.

After last year's flooding, many Iowans were left either with homes in disrepair, or without home altogether. Many of these citizens were… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on October 30, 2009 at 12:18pm — 4 Comments

Swine Flu Preparedness for Schools

Swine Flu Preparedness for Schools

The recent declaration of a public health emergency over the swine flu cases in the U.S. and Mexico highlights the importance of public health and [pandemic planning. An influenza-based public health emergency and/or pandemic has always been a question of "when" not "if" and while it was assumed a new strain of /avian flu would be the culprit, experts emphasized a pandemic can be caused by any new virus.…


Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on April 27, 2009 at 11:36am — 1 Comment

Google Map Lists School Incidents

The company I work for has started an interactive map listing school incidents. It is updated daily from events throughout many different feeds. I have found it useful for example incidents, planning information, and case studies. The map has a large amount of functionality. You can choose the dates to view incidents for, zoom in and out, move around the country, and view the incidents by type (i.e. bomb threat, lockdown, etc.). I thought… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on April 24, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Should EMS Be Part of Public Safety?

I was doing research for an emergency plan that I am working on. I ran across an article titled "Should EMS Be a Part of Public Safety?" Here is an excerpt:

"One of the biggest issues facing EMS is that we’re not sure what we really are. Is EMS health care? Is EMS public safety? Is EMS public health? In its recent publication, the National Institutes of Health determined that EMS actually has components of each of these ( see Figure 1 ).[1] The responsibilities of each of these three… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on March 23, 2009 at 12:38pm — 3 Comments

Guy Gets Arrested for DWI and Gets Another One!

"A man in upstate New York managed to get two DWIs on the same night. The first arrest happened after Joseph Kelly drove drunk to police headquarters to ask for directions. The police could tell he was drunk, and gave him a breathalyzer, which he failed. They processed him and sent him to a hotel in a cab to sleep it off. In another amazing bonehead move, Joseph made the cabdriver stop so he could run back to the parking lot his car was at so he could drive again. He was spotted driving… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 7, 2009 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

Running from Cops? Don't Hide Under a Parked Truck

"A man who ran away from a traffic stop picked the wrong place to hide. An officer stoped a 26-year-old man in Phoenix after he ran a red light. The man gave the officer his license, then ran away and disappeared behind a convenience store. He hid under a parked moving truck…and then was run over when the driver pulled away. After being treated for a back injury, the man will be booked into jail. He ran from the traffic stop because he had a suspended license and warrants for, coincidentally,… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 6, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Criminal Smokes Weed While Shoplifting

"A Texas shoplifter faces multiple charges after smoking pot inside Target, stealing merchandise and then attacking a security guard. Gregory Pracht of Lower Valley was seen lighting up a joint and unwrapping CDs inside Target before tying to leave wearing a pair of lifted sunglasses. A guard nabbed him outside and handcuffed him. Gregory told him he was leaving in a hurry with stolen merchandise because he was worried about his puppy in the car. When the guard checked on the dog, Gregory… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 5, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Don't Ask Judge for Leniency While Drunk

"If you’re going to see a judge to seek leniency on a public drunkenness charge, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t show up drunk. Apparently, our daily dumbass duo didn’t get that memo. A Pennsylvania couple went to the judge’s office to tell him they didn’t have the money to pay the man’s public drunkenness fine, and they appeared quite drunk. Breathalyzer tests showed they both had very high blood alcohol levels. So then they pleaded guilty to new charges of public drunkenness." Taken… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 5, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

Getting a Speeding Ticket? Don't Give the Cop the Finger

"A New York 18-year-old named Richard was pulled over for a seat-belt violation. The officer gave him a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt and for not having his driver’s license on him. As Richard was driving off, he stuck his middle finger out the window at the trooper and flipped him the bird. Wow, is that dumb, or what? The officer immediately pulled him over again and charged him with disorderly conduct." Taken from

Stay… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 4, 2009 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

DUI Arrest Bites Officer While Barking Like a Dog

One of the funniest ones I have found yet. Taken from

"Here’s a nutbucket for your daily dumbass. Six officers were needed to restrain a drunk man who damaged a police car because he was growling and biting like a dog. The Florida man also told the arresting officer, “I’m wrecked, dude. I got a suspended license.” Once he was put in the cop car, he kicked the officer in the crotch, spit on him, and tried to bite him while barking and… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 4, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Drug DealerTries to Make Deal in the Police Station

Think that you've heard about every kind of dumb criminal? Here is a new low. Taken from

"A 24-year-old man in Everett, Washington, picked the wrong place to do a drug deal - in a stall of the police station bathroom. A plainclothes officer was in the bathroom and overheard the man on his cell phone trying to sell Oxycodone and other drugs. After being confronted by the officer, he confessed to trying to deal drugs and turned over his… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 3, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Chewable Pampers

During the Super Bowl, I saw a commercial for and decided to check it out. Right away, I saw video clips from Saturday Night Live. There was a clip about chewable Pampers. This clip is hilarious. Hopefully you enjoy it.

Stay Safe,

Bruce C Ziebarth

Check out my other sites:

Pittsburgh Steelers History and Merchandise…


Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 3, 2009 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

Japanes Fire Station Burns

Taken from

A Japanese fire station burned to the ground after a firefigher forgot to turn off the stove before responding to an emergency call. Ten trucks from other stations were called to put out the fire. A fire department official said “since we should be in a position to educate people about fire, we are are extremely sorry that such an incident happened.”

Other links to this story:

Japanese Firs… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on February 2, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Guy Shows ID While Robbing Store

Taken from

"Today’s dumbass award goes to a local! 23-year-old James Grayson allegedly went into Venus Adult Store yesterday morning, picked two or three videos and paid for them with cash from his wallet. When James opened his wallet to pay, the clerk saw his ID with his picture and the last name Grayson. then James allegedly pulled out a gun and robbed the store. The clerk was able to tell the police Jame’s last name and description, and police were able to track James to… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on January 9, 2009 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Don't Write a Robbery Note on Your Paycheck!

Taken from

"A Chicago bank robber got away with $400 after passing a threatening note to a teller demanding money. But, cops were able to track him down and arrest him later because he had written the note on the back of his pay stub! Wow…great thinking. Why not just drop off a fingerprint, blood sample and driver’s license next time?"

Stay safe,

Bruce C Ziebarth

Check out my other articles:…


Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on January 8, 2009 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Don't Want a DUI? Don't Blame Your Daughter!!

Taken from

"Police say a Utah woman tried to avoid a DUI by putting her daughter in the driver’s seat before police arrived. The woman drove recklessly in a parking lot, then hit a curb and blew out a tire in the process. Witnesses told cops she then switched places with her 15-year-old daughter so the girl would be in the driver’s seat when police got there. The woman was found to have a blood alcohol level more than 3 times the legal limit. I’m going to take this woman… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on January 7, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Setting Yourself on Fire Does Not Impress the Ladies

Taken from

"A 33-year-old Swedish man was hospitalized after trying to impress his girlfriend with a party trick. The man suffered serious injuries after pouring gasoline on his arm and then setting it on fire. In addition to suffering burns on his arm and other body parts, he now faces public endangerment charges too. Wow, I bet his girlfriend was reeeeeeally impressed!"

Stay safe,
Bruce C Ziebarth

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on January 7, 2009 at 9:21am — 2 Comments

Sheriff Uses Greed to Catch Criminals!

Taken from

"If you’re a wanted fugitive, you might want to think twice before going to a hotel to claim a sweepstake “prize.” A clever Illinois sheriff used a fictional marketing company to lure dozens of fugitives to a Chicago hotel for one big arrest. The cops sent winning scratch-off tickets to the fugitives, telling them the location of the hotel where they could get their prizes and possibly win a big screen TV - and amazingly, dozens of them fell for it. The sheriff… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on December 30, 2008 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

A Jerry Springer Christmas!!

Taken from

"A New Hampshire couple was arrested Christmas Day after a fight over a gift. 26-year-old Heath Blom became furious when he got a Nintendo Wii from his girlfriend instead of the $1,000 remote control car he wanted. The girlfriend was offended, so she hid the Wii and started to leave. When Heath tried to stop her from leaving, she hit him in the eye. He then pulled her down two flights of stairs by her hair. Both were arrested on misdemeanor charges of domestic… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on December 29, 2008 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Kid Shares "Special" Brownies at Bus Stop

Feel the need to make those "special" brownies? Don't leave them where your kids can get them.

"If you’re going to make pot brownies, make sure you don’t leave them out where your kids can find them. A sixth grade student in Chico, California, took a tray of brownies his mom was baking and shared them with his pals at the bus stop. Some of the kids reported feeling tired and dizzy by the time they got to school and reported the incident to a school staff member. Mom’s secret… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on December 29, 2008 at 9:13am — 3 Comments

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