Jessie Miller's Blog (5)

Remembering Chief James M. Andrews

Written November 16, 2008. . .

Fire Department Mourns Loss of Chief James M. Andrews

I would like to honor a respected chief and friend this afternoon. Chief Mike Andrews of Clyde Fire Department passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, November 16, 2008. Mike was very instrustmental in helping his department acquire top knotch…


Added by Jessie Miller on January 20, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments

2008 Memorial Weekend

Written on October 8, 2008....

I just returned from the 2008 National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend. Every year we are reminded of what can happen and what does happen in the fire service. We are reminded of what can go wrong and what does go wrong. We are reminded of mistakes that are made which may cost someone their lives. What I ask of you is this, to take care of yourselves when you are called to duty. Don't do it for yourselves, but do it for those who love you and care… Continue

Added by Jessie Miller on November 17, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Ohio Fallen Firefighter Memorial

One of my brothers in the fire service has been very instrumental in developing a memorial for fallen Ohio Firefighters. The Miami Valley Firefighters Memorial is based out of the Dayton, Ohio area. I have never had the priviledge of attending one of their services though it has been on my list for a few years now. I am very pleased to see they are making head way with their project though and I can't wait to see the memorial… Continue

Added by Jessie Miller on September 29, 2008 at 1:38am — 1 Comment


I just returned from a trip to my hometown of Gallipolis, Ohio. It was the first time I had been home since Greg's funeral. It sure was good to be back in the country and among good friends (adopted family)! I stopped by the cemetery where Greg was laid to rest and paid my respects to my brother. I was feeling pretty lost without him for a while, but one evening as I was sitting by myself thinking I realized that I needed to keep smiling, laugh as much as I can, and enjoy the rest of my life… Continue

Added by Jessie Miller on September 24, 2008 at 12:16am — No Comments

Losin' a Brother

Well, we lost another one of our brothers on September 3, 2008. I'm not ready to see another name of someone I was so close to on that memorial in Emmitsburg. Greg lived a great life though and I'm always going to admire his amazing sense of humor which always kept all of us in the house laughing. I took my 240 hour firefighter with Greg and I can still remember him in full bunker gear getting pushed around the halls of this old nursing home we were doing search and rescue training in. I sure… Continue

Added by Jessie Miller on September 13, 2008 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

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