Written on October 8, 2008....
I just returned from the 2008 National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend. Every year we are reminded of what can happen and what does happen in the fire service. We are reminded of what can go wrong and what does go wrong. We are reminded of mistakes that are made which may cost someone their lives. What I ask of you is this, to take care of yourselves when you are called to duty. Don't do it for yourselves, but do it for those who love you and care if you come home at the end of the call. For the officers who are challenged with the job of keeping firefighters safe and making sure we do our jobs safely, please watch over the men and women working under you. Their families depend on you to watch over their loved ones so they can return home safely to play with the kids, kiss their wife, hug their husband, or call their parents. Their families depend on you just as much as the firefighters do.

Please remember the faces of these children. Both of these kids lost a parent. Next year, lets keep these kids smiling about recess at school, birthday parties, and other things kids should be smiling about. Lets not make the kids smile about the luminary bags they make at the memorial weekend in honor of loved ones they lost or "color" your name onto a piece of paper as they get a rubbing of your name off of the memorial.
Remember the people in your wallet! Make sure Everyone Goes Home!
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