I just returned from a trip to my hometown of Gallipolis, Ohio. It was the first time I had been home since Greg's funeral. It sure was good to be back in the country and among good friends (adopted family)! I stopped by the cemetery where Greg was laid to rest and paid my respects to my brother. I was feeling pretty lost without him for a while, but one evening as I was sitting by myself thinking I realized that I needed to keep smiling, laugh as much as I can, and enjoy the rest of my life just like he would have wanted me to. It will be a little bit harder to smile without Hubcap around, but we will all manage. I hope I learned from his great sense of humor and I hope I will be able to laugh and make others laugh just as much as he did. We sure do miss him at home.

I saw a lot of my old fire service family which is always wonderful! I had lunch with my old fire instructor today before heading over to the Gallipolis Vol. Fire Department to visit Jim, their resident firefighter. As it turned out, Jim was off on medical leave, but since he lives right next door to the station, he was still hanging around! Kevin was sitting the station so we talked for a long time. Then one of their Lt's, Brett, stopped by so the four of us were sitting in the rec room having a good ol' time talking politics and the fire service. It felt great, just like old times! I sure do miss those guys!

Afterwards, I had to stop by the Gallipolis Daily Tribune to pick up some newspapers. You talk about giving you cold chills. While I was in town, I ended up driving by where Greg had been doing special duty just before he passed away. The house was on the main drag coming into town. Greg had driven the truck to the Tribune office (we believe to get a drink of water), stepped in the office doors, and collapsed in full cardiac arrest. I really didn't want to walk in that building. I hesitated at the front door, walked through, got my papers, and took a deep breath as I stepped back outside again. It's amazing how in a small town, it always seems like your tredding over old memories all of the time. Everything is small so it is very close knit.

On a much happier note though, a good friend of mine from my first fire department took me over to my old station! I was so excited! It has changed a lot since I left home in 2005. The station has doubled in size and in July, they received a beautiful 2008 E-One engine. I tell you what, I was like a proud parent taking pictures of that truck!! Gary and I took it down the road for a short jog. I was smiling from ear to ear! I am very excited for them! The department was founded in 2002 and I got to watch them break ground on it, build the station, put the first engine in the station, and all of those wonderful memories. It's amazing to see the E-One sitting next to the old 1977 Sutphen which was our first engine. What changes a few years can bring!! I sure am proud of them though! It's always great coming home!!

P.S. Pictures of the E-One will be posted within the next 24 hours! :-)

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