Andy Marsh's Blog (25)



A Pittsburgh girl knows just as much

about football as her guy friend

in some cases, even more.

She drinks beer because it tastes good

but knows when to be classy and drink

something more sophisticated.

She owns a Steeler jersey not just

because it's cute but because she

supports her team and understands the game.

She loves Kennywood and isn't afraid to

order cheese fries from the Potato… Continue

Added by Andy Marsh on February 2, 2009 at 1:33am — 2 Comments

Twas the Night Before the Super Bowl

If you know of Myron Cope, you get this. Myron Cope was a colorful, radio analyst for our Steelers and a long time sports radio talk show host. He was the voice of the Steelers.

Twas the Night Before the Super Bowl

‘Twas the night before the Super Bowl, when along the gulf shore,

Steelers fans were praying for “just one more;”

The players were nestled all snug in the sack,

With visions of the first NFL… Continue

Added by Andy Marsh on February 2, 2009 at 1:21am — 1 Comment

Somethings I think I think (My version)

Many years ago, there was a writer for the Pittsburgh Press. His name was Phil Musick. He wrote a column that had the same title as my subject title. Every once in a while, I'll write some stuff down. It's mainly for my amusement and bemusement. I have been thinking on some things, recently and in general and I want to share. Respond if you like, but no need to. This is just me, not one of those funky forwarding e-mails.

There is no limit to how many friends you… Continue

Added by Andy Marsh on January 30, 2009 at 2:00am — 2 Comments

Winter Safety Tips

Here in Southwestern Pennsylvania, we have been experiencing colder than average temperatures lately. Potentially, we will be responding to more furnace malfunctioning calls, CO calls, water break calls, wires down calls, in addition to our fire calls and vehicle crashes. Please take care and buckle up when responding to the fire station. We need you to arrive safely in order for us to do the job efficiently.

Some tips:

Dress in layers when responding and just in…

Added by Andy Marsh on January 18, 2009 at 7:15am — 1 Comment

What I brought back from the Pittsburgh Fire/EMS Expo

To all;

A few of us attended the Pittsburgh Fire / EMS Expo. Some of us attended classes. The fire dept. picked up

the tab for the training,with the caveat being, those of us who did attend classes were requested to bring

something back to share with our department. So I will share this. What I have listed below may be

repetitious for some, however, with as many firefighter injuries and deaths we suffer from locally, and as a State, and as a Nation, it begs to be… Continue

Added by Andy Marsh on September 20, 2008 at 5:19am — 2 Comments

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