As we go through life, many words we hear strike us and remain with us throughout our life for many reasons. They may be life changing; they may be simply words of wisdom; they could have taught us a lesson; they may just have been catchy and just stuck in our cranium for further usage. A few favorites of mine, over the years, have been, "Plan your work and work your plan" , "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, then to open it and remove all doubt" and "If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!" More recently a saying came across my desktop from "Tali". She's an online colleague and new friend of mine on another site. It states, "Never fear dying, Fear never living." She wrote that herself. She told me that's her motto. When I first saw that, I said, Huh. I was struck by it. She is much younger than I, but very wise for her youth. I was inspired and asked her to use that motto in what you are about to read. I hope you like it.

Never fear dying, what awaits us will last
Fear never living, what's around us goes fast
Never fear dying, for heaven's much greater
Fear never living, but live for now, not for later
Never fear dying, secure we will be
Fear never living, don't miss what we're to see
Hold the hand of a child, or a loved one with care
For at the snap of two fingers, they may not be there
Smell the flowers that you see in your day to day path
Try not to hold grudges, let go any wrath
Technology abound, we move so much faster
But if we're not careful, it could be a disaster
Earth's beautiful treasures, now taken for granted
Has a much higher purpose, that's why they were planted
Never fear dying, sickness and suffering ends
Fear never living, and making new friends
Never fear dying, time will go on forever
Fear never living, and never say never
Live life to its fullest, don't hesitate to love
Make special moments shine, like the stars do above
Take help when it's offered, offer help just the same
Do unto others nicely is the name of the game
Never fear dying, fear never living
Great things we received, but we need to keep giving
Never fear dying, hey that's part of the plan
Fear never living, make it last while you can

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