John's Blog – September 2008 Archive (10)

Fallen Firefighter Memorial

Yesterday we had our 17th annual Miami Valley Firefighter/ EMS Memorial Day Observance. It is a very sombersome expirence to attend. The really great thing is that they have a site set up at Stubbs Park in Centerville, Ohio for the monument to be placed permanently. It is with great hope that we never have to add any more names to the memeorial, as well as any memorial anywhere in the world. I have already planned on attending again next year.

Added by John on September 29, 2008 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Exam correction

After Medics class today I found out there were a few mistakes on the exam. The mistakes were very helpful to my score as it increased it from an 83% to a 87%. The instructor had 2 questions that were keyed in wrong on the scantron and 2 questions that he felt we did not cover and thought it only fair not to count it against us.

Added by John on September 26, 2008 at 6:53pm — No Comments

Exam 1 Results

The results for the first exam are in it took him awhile but was still pretty quick in my book to get them out. I ended the test with a big whopping "83" on the test. That made my day seeing that, our instructor said it was a great start for the intire clas as everyone did well.

Added by John on September 25, 2008 at 9:05am — 1 Comment

Exam 1

Well took my first Medics exam today, and as of now I am waiting for the intructor to post the scores. He had said we should know sometime today, but the wait is agonizing. I do feel pretty good about the exam although I have to admit I was worried about it. I feel like I definitly passed but as to what percentage I have know Idea yet, and when I find out I will be posting an update.

Added by John on September 24, 2008 at 3:49pm — No Comments

Medics Update post wind storm

Well due to our power outage I was unable to attend medics class Wednesday, I am sure there are lots of other Brothers and Sisters who were up a lot too, but I think I averaged about 2-3 hours of sleep a night over the past couple of days and it has taken its toll on me. The good news was I really didn’t miss anything in class as the instructor had already made up a contingency plan to cover missed lectures.

Added by John on September 18, 2008 at 12:05pm — No Comments

Ike Remnants

Well Ike came thru our area and although it was just hurricane like winds it did enough damage to our county as well as many others here in Ohio. Our station stayed on post for quite awhile yesterday and racked up alot of wire down calls and other misc. calls. all without power in the area which was kinda wierd looking. everyone of us said we would do it again in a heartbeat if we had to do it again.

Added by John on September 15, 2008 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Medics class update

Well the second day of class went better than the first, I was a little worried about lab time schedules but that has been resolved. This Wednesday we have a quiz over anatomy and a math calculation relating to medications, we will also be covering the rest of anatomy and physiology. Well stay tuned for the next update, Stay safe


Added by John on September 14, 2008 at 1:16pm — 1 Comment

First day of Medics

WOW the first day of class and my emotions are like "am I crazy, what am I doing" , but I am sure that I will give it my fullest attempt at doing well in the first quarter of class, its just going to take some study time and some extra time doing clinicals, and with a little luck and prayers I should get through this.
Thanks for the support in advance.

Added by John on September 10, 2008 at 3:20pm — 1 Comment

Structure Fire

Well we had another structure fire, this time it was at a school!! luckily it was around 1900 hrs and only a few kids were there and all made it out unharmed. The fire appeared to have started in an electrical room and was pretty much contained there. There was so much smoke from the fire it was almost umreal, it looked like the entire place was lite up, but it was all electrical smoke and stank to high heaven. some our crew did pull a bunny that was in a classroom out and we used a pediatric… Continue

Added by John on September 9, 2008 at 9:24am — 3 Comments

Class Text Books

Hi Brothers and Sisters, Just wanted to let everyone know that I recieved my Paramedic books today and from the orientation 2 weeks ago or so we have already been assigned reading homework. So as of now my time on FFN will be limited more than I would like but, in the long run will be worth it. I will be checking in from time to time and posting updates, stay tuned for those, and a Pre- Thank You for the support for this class in advance. Take care and Be Safe.

Added by John on September 4, 2008 at 7:59pm — 1 Comment

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