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  • Jennifer Croston
  • Mariah Leavitt
  • Cory Fanale
  • wvumounties8
  • rick
  • Danielle
  • jessica
  • Keegan Allen
  • Robert Flikkema
  • Brandon Gillman
  • coronahawk
  • John Rulli Jr.
  • Dewayne and Diana Bean
  • Shannon Pieper, FireRescue Magazine
  • Charles Lawrence

The 57 House!!

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Irwin Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
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Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Westmoreland City Fire Dept(North HuntingdonTownship,PA),City of Greensburg Fire Department Hose Co #3 and Irwin Fire Department
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
because I always wanted to be a firefighter and its in my blood and I always liked helping people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I am helping someone in need and a great local organization and its a true Brotherhood and Family!!.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Financial and personal and some day I would like to see the Volunteers in PA become Paid because these Brothers have worked their back off for this consideration and the politicians must stop using them for political gain.Keep the jobs in PA.

Black Cat

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Hugh's Blog

Financial Aid for a Volunteer Firefighters Child in Pennsylvania is there anything available??

Posted on February 20, 2009 at 2:30am 5 Comments

Hi Everyone, Would anyone be so kind to tell me if there is any Financial Aid for a Volunteer Firefighters child that goes to a University in Pennsylvania and what the requirements would be for them to get the financial aid for College the student is taking up Architecture and is brilliant. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hughie The 57 House GO PENS!!!!!!!!

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At 3:32pm on December 17, 2010, Cory Fanale said…
Thank you. we try to keep it quit hope all is well over in your county. You as well have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
At 1:47pm on March 2, 2009, k hig said…
Hi Huge,
just seen your post on on what fire helmet is the most popular. The MSA F1SF or the Gallent F1 as it is also kown has very good eye protection and a full face shield, both fold into the skull of the helmet.Hearing can be a problem as your ears are inlcosed also it lacks shoulder protection because of the snug fit to the side of the head. I can't say if they are made in the U.S. As for wearing them with SCBA we remove our lid and put triditional mask straps on followed by our flash hood and then helmet. the clips are around but i have not seen them or used them here in Ireland. One other disadvantage older firefighters have told me is that they don't allow the feeling of heat on your ears, but i have never been trained on that technique so am not in a place to comment.

Hope this helps!
TCSS, Kevin Higgins
At 5:10pm on February 27, 2009, FireCat said…
I thought you might like this : )

At 11:08am on February 23, 2009, Shelly said…
thanks for the message. you be safe always and you'll be in my prayers and GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!
At 10:25am on February 21, 2009, Denise Imperiale said…
Thank you! You guys are the best.
At 11:57am on February 20, 2009, Rescue_me_kimmy said…
Go steelers for sure! and pens? nooooooo. if you are refereing to the pengiuns, i'm not on that wagon buddy.... all about columbus man! yep, a blue jackets fan. my company ownes them and my hockey playing bf got my into hockey, and hes a jackets i gotta join that
but for the sake of being able to actually attend games, sharks fan on the
but a lot of family on moms side is from pittsburgh so...GOOO STEELERS!!! lol. have a great Friday and great weeeknd as well!!!
At 10:02am on February 20, 2009, Denise Imperiale said…
Thank you Hugh, I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a nice comment. Have a nice weekend, Denise
At 10:03am on February 10, 2009, FireCat said…
I'm happy to see you got the cat on your page!! :)
At 10:02am on February 10, 2009, FireCat said…
At 9:23am on February 10, 2009, Cathy Shipley said…
Hi Hugh, thanks for the new friendship. So glad you are feeling better. I also was hurt on Nov.13th, still on light duty and I hate it..I want back out there!!!!!!! Take care, Cat

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