WOW Keegan what was said that everyone is telling you to shut your mouth... Well I won't tell you to shut up ok but talk to me inform me of what was said ok
When you learn about the true brotherhood of firefighters and grow a real set then come back and talk to us. Until then take a step back shut your mouth and learn something.
Your comment on Senior members: I've paid my dues you new puke! Our department does 12000 calls a year and in my 26 years of fire service have done and seen more than you will probably ever see on your little department. If you dont want the comments then dont dish it out; you have a rather large mouth for a little kid.
At 3:45pm on February 15, 2009, Frank Svitak said…
Keegan, I serve as an Explorer advisor for our Post and as a unit commissioner with our local Boy Scouts & I am assigned to the Fire Exploring units in our district. I would like to give you some advice, not to put you down or chastize you, but to maybe help you to get back on the right track here. Since you are only 15, that means you have only been an Explorer for 1 year, and as such you have not had the opertunity to get hardly any of the training that is offered. You really should change your "Tons of training in the past" to "Just starting to learn what it is all about" . I have been in the Fire Service for over 30 years and I Have not stopped learning yet from other senior members. This past Wed. morning we had a very bad house fire. The fire went to 2 alarms and took over 2 hours to put out. During this fire I actually learned a few more things about Baloon framed houses & the way they can burn. As far as my role with Scouts & Exploring, I never stop learning there either. This past summer I went to Philmot to take some advanced training, why? because I realize that I don't know it all & never will, so I try to learn from other "Senior people" and soak in thier wisdom because I will NEVER stop learning.
While I am sure you mean well, you seem to have the attitude that you have nothing to learn from the senior members you are griping about. Keep in mind that you are an EXPLORER, not a firefighter, and from the looks of your attitude, you won't last a minute in a career company. They just won't put up with your crap. You are there to learn, not to show the world what a loudmouth you are.
I guarantee you, no department will EVER keep you on if you don't make a major shift in your outlook. I know from experience.
If you continue on the way you are going, you will become a safety threat to your partners, and could get yourself killed, just don't take anyone with you, OK?
This site can teach you a lot, more than you will learn in the Academy, if you avail yourself of it.
Keegan, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you joined the group. There is lots to do, read and become involved with here. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere and get your feet wet. Your involvement is important to us all. You will get out of this what you put into it. May take some time to kinda figure it all out but I have found this site well worth the effort. Have fun and be safe.
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While I am sure you mean well, you seem to have the attitude that you have nothing to learn from the senior members you are griping about. Keep in mind that you are an EXPLORER, not a firefighter, and from the looks of your attitude, you won't last a minute in a career company. They just won't put up with your crap. You are there to learn, not to show the world what a loudmouth you are.
I guarantee you, no department will EVER keep you on if you don't make a major shift in your outlook. I know from experience.
If you continue on the way you are going, you will become a safety threat to your partners, and could get yourself killed, just don't take anyone with you, OK?
This site can teach you a lot, more than you will learn in the Academy, if you avail yourself of it.
Chief William Sharp
Southern Oregon coast