Financial Aid for a Volunteer Firefighters Child in Pennsylvania is there anything available??

Hi Everyone, Would anyone be so kind to tell me if there is any Financial Aid for a Volunteer Firefighters child that goes to a University in Pennsylvania and what the requirements would be for them to get the financial aid for College the student is taking up Architecture and is brilliant. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hughie The 57 House GO PENS!!!!!!!!

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Comment by Hugh on March 31, 2010 at 4:37pm
Hey Denise, I will always do my best if I hear anything for you because I would like to see you be able to go to school to better yourself. I think all firefighters and their childrens should get breaks when entering College especially a state college but we have to get the politicians on our side and sometimes I wonder about them!! Stay Safe and Take Care!! Hughie The 57 House

Comment by Hugh on November 28, 2009 at 2:11am
Please could anyone please tell me if there is scholarships or grants for a Volunteer Firefighters children that is an undergraduate and Majoring in Archecture in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and they are on the Deans List and is a female? I hope that someone on the Federal Level would give me the answers after all the money that is saved by Volunteer Firefighters surely their has to be alot of help for their children that is attending a State College or University if not Why isn't there any ? Would someone on The Federal Level please be kind enough to help me out because I had a stroke in 2008 and I have Epilepsy to boot but it is Controlled but I as a Volunteer Firefighter for thirty years would love to see my child get her College education would you be kind enough to supply me with the resources for a Volunteer Firefighters Children trying to get their College education . I think that is at least one thing they can do to help a Volunteer Firefighters Children to see them get their College education. I don't think that is asking much since we don't get a nickle put in our pockets and the States and Commonwealths lose their residents to other states. Please be so kind to help After all when The Alarm comes in The Volunteers never hesitate to answer the Alarm no matter what time of the day it is. As a Veteran Volunteer Firefighter I am disappointed that I haven't had much of a response for something that is so Important to the children of the Volunteer Firefighters College education and Tuition Assitance. Please Help. Hugh Irwin Volunteer Fire Dept in Irwin,Pennsylvania my email is Thank You From My Heart.
Comment by Hugh on October 28, 2009 at 4:07am
Hey Denise, Its Hughie just type in stimulius package to help women go to college and they have been advertising it. Good Luck Hun!! See even if I am not on here see I make you smile and find you the answers to your question!!!:-):-) Stay safe and becarefull....
Comment by Hugh on March 13, 2009 at 7:35pm
If I hear of anything Denise I will be more than glad to send the info on to you but thats the problem when you are a Volunteer Firefighter where Career Firefighters have more Financial Aid for themselves and their family but they don't seem to care about the Volunteers.Take Care. Hughie The 57 House Irwin,PA Thats the benefits us Volunteers get for putting their lives on the line.
Comment by Denise Imperiale on February 21, 2009 at 10:26am
If anyone hears about financial aid for volunteer firefighters in NJ (for me, I want to go back to school), can you please let me know. Thank you!

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