  • 61, Female
  • Ohio
  • United States
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Jill's Friends

  • barbara sparr
  • Tim
  • Kyann Miner
  • linda
  • Kimberly
  • penny
  • Terry
  • Car 92
  • Tom Cook
  • Leisa Storey
  • Alisha
  • Tiffany
  • jon shackelford
  • REV.R.Chance Voight
  • Moises Ruiz Ramirez

If HE brings you to it, HE will bring you through it!

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Smith Ambulance of Northeast Ohio
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
LOL! It all started when I fell down the basement steps and broke my tailbone. Sherry came with 52. They only had one EMT so they couldn't transport me. Nashville came to get me. I met Terry, Barb and Jeanie and the rest is history!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping people

Comment Wall (62 comments)

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At 2:02pm on March 27, 2010, Moises Ruiz Ramirez said…
hello friends
I have a doubt they might say to me where there are fire or EMS shops in las vegas ?
thank you
At 3:30am on September 1, 2009, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
Hi Jill,
loooong time no hear, Sorry! Heavy work load and lost of training. Between the fire dept and the hospital there is not much time left for visiting on line.
LUV YOUR PROFILE PIC! Looks like you had A LOT of fun when you took it.
Many blessings and LOTS of love, Chapl Gerta, SA
At 10:22am on April 20, 2009, Tracey Butler said…
Yep got them fit perfectly, trying to get everything done for my orientation so I can start running. And very excited to start fire training
At 7:03am on April 20, 2009, Tracey Butler said…
Hey Jill , How is everything going with you?
At 4:08pm on April 5, 2009, barbara sparr said…
Hi Jill, Found you on the site. Good to see our neighbors. barb
At 5:21pm on November 27, 2008, Kimberly said…
happy thanksgiving to you to. i had to work today and we were really busy. have a great day!!
At 11:03am on November 27, 2008, The Outlaw Firefighter said…
Thanks.. You have a safe Thanksgiving too! Im working at the firehouse today! Pffft!
At 6:22pm on October 11, 2008, Kimberly said…
thank you very much you stay safe!!
At 6:00am on September 30, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
Have not forgotten about you, just do not get time to sit and visit with everybody on FFN. We are well into Spring and now the parties and the suicides begins. Hope you are doing better. Lots of love and blessings, Chaplain Gerta C
At 4:01pm on September 18, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
We cant be people pleasers all the time - and that is something we dont always understand. We want to keep every one happy and then we suffer while they are smiling. Saying "no" is one of the hardest things to do but sometimes we have to in order to survive. God knows your heart and He will bring healing if and when the time is right. We just have to be patient. The answer to your prayers is as far as your knees is from the ground. X
At 3:34pm on September 18, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
PS: I see at the top of your page you left a message for Justin. Pls just be patient with him. He works very looong hours but he will get back to you. Baaaaai
At 3:33pm on September 18, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
Just me AGAIN.... How you feeling my friend???? Hope things are looking a bit brighter for you.
God be with you, Chaplain Gerta
At 8:41am on September 17, 2008, Don Sims said…
Thank you very much Jill. I hope you have a great day. Don
At 12:41am on September 17, 2008, jill said…
Thanks so much! I know that God is with me, He will get me through all of somehow.
Blessings and Be Safe,
At 12:13am on September 17, 2008, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Read Gerta's page and noted that perhaps you could use a couple of extra prayers thrown your way. Done! God Bless.

Mike from Santa Barbara : )

At 5:23am on September 15, 2008, jill said…
Hey Rhonda,
I was just thinking about you. We just got hammered by storms too. there are trees down everywhere. We had pole fires all over the surrounding area, the poor firemen are not getting any sleep this shift. We usually have a day like this about once a year or so, then we get a chance to recover for a year. I can't imagine dealing with storms like this all the time!

Blessings and Be Safe,

At 3:12am on September 15, 2008, Rhonda Guidry said…
Good Morning! Just wanted to say Hi and Have a Great Week! We weathered the storms ok here and are keeping those affected in our prayers and thoughts. How're you? Thank You for your thoughts and Prayers! Take Care and God Bless-rhon
At 2:06pm on September 14, 2008, Chaplain Gerta Coetzee said…
Hi Jill.
Just checking in to see how you are doing.
Beautiful profile picture. What a sad day from all peace loving, God fearing people every where.
Stay safe and God be with you and yours,
Chapl Gerta C, SA
At 10:37am on September 8, 2008, jill said…
WE are tired!! Miss you my friend!
Blessings and Be Safe,

At 6:51am on September 8, 2008, Ariel 683 said…
Hi Jill :-)
I'm sure I'll see you there sometime between trips..... He has me in Millersburg this month so I'm not sure when I'll be there... How's everybody in Wooster?
Talk to you later, Ariel

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