Lieutenant Bob
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Combination
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Gravois Fire Protection District (Gravois Mills & Laurie MO)
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Shawnee KS Fire Department 1979/1983
My Training:
FFI, Lieutenant, Haz-Mat Ops, etc.
About Me:
I really like all aspects of being a firefighter, our department is pretty diversified as far as response. Structures, wildland, EMS, motor vehicle & boating accidents etc. We cover 155 square miles of district and provide mutual aid to several other departments in and around the lake area. I hold the rank of Lieutenant and am the station officer at station one.
Day Job:
GM of boat dealership
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Probably the same reason as most volunteers, to make a difference in my community.

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Lieutenant Bob's Blog

Proud Volunteer

Posted on September 10, 2007 at 2:23pm 0 Comments

Well, during the summer months I stay really busy. I am the GM for a boat dealership at Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri. That requires a bunch of hours from May to Sept. I am a Lieutenant with the Gravois Fire Protection District, I have been with them since 2001. I first joined the fire service in 1979 when I lived in Shawnee KS, I served there for about 5 years. After moving to the lake in 1998 I finnaly made the time to join up with this department and have never regretted it! I am… Continue

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At 5:02pm on October 25, 2007, Lieutenant Bob said…
Hey Kristin, How is you busy life going? Thanks for the hello! Otis is doing great, in fact he went to the doggie doctor yesterday for his final puppy shots. He now weighs 44.4 lbs, hard to believe. Doc thinks he will be a hundred pounder! My only problem with him right now is that he thinks he owns the bed! He does not like it if I have to roll over during the night. Got to go for now, I have an EMS meeting to get ready for. I will ad some pics to my page of Otis.
At 5:55pm on October 18, 2007, Kale said…
the letter states, within 30 miles from district headquaters
At 5:52pm on October 18, 2007, Kale said…
i appreciate your help too. Thanks
At 10:12am on October 18, 2007, Lieutenant Bob said…
Kale, until you know the area you might need some help choosing an area to live in. Not sure what they have told you about living in district or not?? Laurie, Gravois Mills are in district. Sunrise Beach, Versailles are just north and south of district.
At 10:10am on October 18, 2007, Lieutenant Bob said…
Congrats Kale, local paper website that you can look at has classifieds for rentals. You might also check with the local chamber of commerce talk to Ruth and tell her I told you to call. 573-374-5500 Other than that, I will keep my ears open for you. Really looking forward to having you here.
At 10:31pm on October 17, 2007, Kale said…
well i got the job, know how about houses or apartments fairly close?
At 1:10pm on September 19, 2007, Kale said…
thank you very much, hope to see you soon!
At 10:09am on September 19, 2007, Lieutenant Bob said…
Pretty well I think, I believe that background checks are in the works but I am not part of that process. I think that they are shooting for the first part of October for hiring.
Good Luck!
At 8:31pm on September 18, 2007, Kale said…
yes i did actually, how is that coming along?
At 9:24pm on September 17, 2007, Kale said…
i am from slater, it is north of i-70 right on the missouri river

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