  • 52, Male
  • saint george
  • United States
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Robbie's Friends

  • Medic162
  • Lori Stanley
  • Russell Stanley
  • tkeen841
  • Ron Metts
  • richard k stanley
  • duane
  • Valarie
  • Lauren McManus
  • Deborah
  • Dan Campbell
  • Bambi
  • Jess
  • Jeremy Newsome

There are men and there are firefighters which are you

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, EMT - Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Colleton County Fire Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
S C National Guard as a Firefighter/EMT
My Training:
FF1, FF2, Hazmat Tech, EMT-B, ARFF, Rope, fire Inspector,diver, driver operator, structural collapse, trench rescue, confind space, ariel ops,rescue the rescuer, pump 2,
About Me:
I started in the Fire Dept as a volunteer, and it transpired from there. I was already in the National guard doing another job and it was fitting that I could let the army train me and save my vol some money. I became a paid person about 7 years ago and was deployed to Iraq in 04 and while I was gone My paid dept went combi and I had to become an EMT after I returned home. Well It's been a couple of years and I kinda like the medical side so I am probally am going to paramedic school soon.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Why I Love Fire/EMS
being in the midst of the stuff and being able to help people
Top Issues Facing Responders:
There is only one issue that I am serious about and that is just funding. We do what we do because it is a calling for most of us, and we are not here for the money but I'll be Damn if we do not deserve to earn a living so our families can live comfortable.

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Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 6:33pm on August 7, 2008, robbie said…
To all that read this please remember the family of Dennis Compton of the Colleton County Sheriff's Dept. He was killed in the line of duty on 8-06-08 responding to a residental burgular alarm. Deputy Compton was walking up the residence when he was shot. I know that we respond to many fire alarms at and never think that this could have been a fireman and not just a police officer.
At 7:15pm on July 12, 2008, robbie said…
Well its been a while since I posted any comments but I have a new one. I signed up for paramedic school and start it in September, so all who read please keep me in your prayers for the next 18 months or so till I complete and pass this life changing class.
At 11:10am on June 18, 2008, robbie said…
To all that are reading, we in the lowcountry of South Carolina are just now remembering our fallen grothers and just completed watching the memorial service. I need to say that I will never know what the families are feeling or are going thru but my heart and mind goes out to them and I will be praying for them. I hope that all will remember and thank another brother for what he or she does. I love all as my own blood and hope that there will be nothing but good change for the city of Charleston and that they will successfully step into the future with sound minds and covering each other and supporting the families of those thst gave their life for the call.
At 11:15pm on April 25, 2008, Lori Stanley said…
Hey robbie whats up... Long time ... I hope you are doing good. I am a hugh support with the fire dept so thanks for this website....

There are a few of the wives of firemen in the chas area that want to get together and start a support group...

Well call me later....
At 10:27pm on April 25, 2008, robbie said…
You were a tech nerd in school what happened
At 10:15pm on April 25, 2008, Russell Stanley said…
well you know some of us old guys take more time to get this techno stuff
At 2:31pm on April 21, 2008, richard k stanley said…
my dad now has his own ffn i told him to add u
At 4:27pm on March 25, 2008, richard k stanley said…
yes and hes my dad
At 7:34pm on March 11, 2008, robbie said…
Evening Everyone: I am in need of some info and hope any of you can give me some insight. One of my vol dept is trying to implement the wearing of traffic vest but the debate on if bunker gear meets the new fed reg that will be law in Nov. If any of you can lead me to the reg and or the public saftey requirements for bunker gear to meet these's requirments.
At 11:57pm on October 30, 2007, Captain Wayne Sammons said…
thanks for the add and also join sc firefighter group

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