Trisha Stanfield
  • Female
  • Ashford, WA
  • United States
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Trisha Stanfield's Friends

  • Ray J
  • david nencioni
  • duane ledford
  • Bump  aka Mark S
  • Jason Koontz
  • jeff connolly
  • Nicholas
  • Darren Nederpel
  • Rolf
  • nathan richards
  • Robert Stewart
  • FIREY9119
  • John Rulli Jr.
  • Derek Irvine
  • Aussie_Wildfire

Trisha Stanfield's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Paradise Inn Fire Brigade, 6 years with ESAR, and now 8 years with PCFD#23
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Pierce County Fire District 23, WA
Years With Department/Agency
8 years
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Paradise Inn Fire Brigade but that was a long time ago.. in a galaxy far, far away...
My Training:
All prerequisites for Fire Officer 1, plus...
Day Job:
dispatcher, Mt Rainier National Park
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I want to spend my time doing something invigorating, fun, with a certain sense of comradery... hiking and backpacking in the great NW with Search and Rescue was a great start.. My fire department is always recruiting for volunteers, and its here that I love to spend my time.... 3rd Generation FireFighter...Life is good!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
lights and sirens, baby!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Funding (or rather the lack thereof!)

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Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 6:35am on February 22, 2010, Danny said…
Hey Trisha how are ya doing..whats been going on over your way..not too much here..anyways take care and stay safe..
At 9:29pm on March 31, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
thank you, i got yours yesterday, nice! be safe out there
At 3:31pm on March 29, 2009, Bump aka Mark S said…
I got your patch yesterday. Thanks for the trade.
At 9:11am on March 26, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
Thanks! ill send it out first thing this morning. heres my info
Gabe Alvarez
3623 n. 106th Drive
Avondale, AZ
At 7:02pm on March 25, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
Hey hey Interested in trading patches?
I work for Daisy Mountain Fire Department, just outside of Phoenix, Az. Please let me know if your interested so i can send you one and send you my info. Thanks, STAY SAFE!!
At 12:44pm on March 25, 2009, Bump aka Mark S said…
I sent you an e-mail with my info.
At 11:42pm on February 12, 2009, John Rulli Jr. said…
Thanks for the reply! That is a sick backyard! We are havin a lame winter. It will snow then rain I lived in the Tahoe Bason California side for 3 years and now im back on the east coast. This is the first time in 8 years I havent traveled to Utah or Cally for skiing and I just can't get in a ski grove. only have 5 days on the hill usually average btwn 50 and 100 days. I forsure wana check out your mtns. They look fun!
At 4:40pm on February 11, 2009, Aussie_Wildfire said…
Hi Trisha, I am safe this year. I am on strike team duty this sunday. We are off to the other side of the state to fight. Washington the same size as Victoria but Victoria has Cali vegetation and weather. Please read my blog on my profile
See Ya Randall
At 1:47am on February 11, 2009, Trevor "krusty" Williams said…
i have to back up what jeff has said this is going to down as the worst fire incident on record in Australian history. I am lucky enough to have not seen anything like whats happening down south(victoria)in real life on the fireground, they say these a 1 in 100yr fires but they seem to be happening much more often than that. My brigade and my shire (county/town) have had many of our firefighters singed up ready to go down to Victoria since Sunday,unfortunately they have not been called upon as of yet, we had two big fires in our own shire and next shire friday,saturday and sunday,all are now burning in containment lines. but yes thankyou for your concern, our thoughts are with the victims of this great disaster.


Trevor "krusty" Williams
dept. capt.
Gwandalan/Summerland point RFB

P.s Stay safe out there.
At 1:13am on February 11, 2009, jeff connolly said…
Thankyou for your concern. Luckily I am on long service leave until April 20 and live about 450 miles from the scene of those fires. In terms of loss of life and property this is the worst incident in Australian fire history. I have only seen incidents near to this magnitude twice in my 34 years as a firefighter in 1980 and 1983 when South Australia and Victoria simultaneously sufferred bushfires of firestorm proportions. Incidentally I am completely out of my comfort zone at bushfires as I am primarily a structural fire and rescue officer.

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