
Fire Prevention

This group is for people to exchange ideas about fire prevention and what they do for fire prevention week

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Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2016

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Fire Safety For Teenage Students

Started by flamefighter Dec 7, 2011. 0 Replies

Fire Prevention Week activities

Started by John Karl Ambrusch, III Oct 1, 2010. 0 Replies

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Comment by flamefighter on November 11, 2010 at 1:54am
Is anyone out there looking to adopt a department? Do you get new equipment often and need to find a good home for your used equipment (trucks, air tanks, bunker gear, etc.) to either give away or sell cheap?
Comment by Ryan James Johnsrud on August 20, 2010 at 12:42pm
This is my first year in charge of FPW. We are revamping and ramping up this year. My chief is very interested in updating activities for FPW, but using it as a launching pad for a new attentiveness to public relations and keeping our community involved. We are thinking of doing a Firefighter Rodeo (Kids race putting gear on, smoke detector relays, use a hose to weave a ball through cones etc.) and extrication demonstrations/truck & equipment demonstrations through out the year.

What Im really interested in now is finding a new demonstration/activity for the 4th-6th kids. It can't last more than 20 mins. Traditionally we have had them use fire extinguishers to put out fires in burn barrells or brought down trucks...what specifically do your departments do and what resources will we need?
Comment by U.S. Fire Administration on March 17, 2010 at 6:18pm
Interested in joining a FREE Public Education Program?

Here's how the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) can help you increase your involvement in your community:

QUICK RESPONSE – a free program of the USFA - invites all fire service personnel to join the QUICK RESPONSE Media Corps (QMRC). The USFA will provide QRMC members with periodic e-mail bulletins with tips on media outreach and other support to firefighters interested in engaging their local media, especially after a fatal home fire occurs. QRMC members are also the first to know about important updates from USFA’s public education campaigns.

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-David Neidlinger
Quick Response Media Corps Team Member
On behalf of the United States Fire Administration
Comment by staci walts on July 13, 2009 at 11:20pm
along with a few of you i also go to schools and teach fire prevention. however we do our twice a year beg of the year is for all the school no matter wat age to come outside look at the trucks and showing of the tools. and second time is just for the highschool we bring the JAws in and show what will happen to you car while your dwi and now while txting. this gets the school involved with the dept and it does help bring in new members.
Comment by Andy Marsh on April 23, 2009 at 12:15am
Jim B.
What I have been doing for the Pre-K thru 2nd grade kids for the past 12 years or so is get them to practice stay low and go and stop, drop and roll. With stay low and go, I use a blanket and another adult, usually their teacher, to simulate the smoke banking down. The children must crawl under the "smoke" on their hands and knees. Then when we get to a door, we feel it and exit. The stop, drop and roll exercise is self explainable. We discuss the importance of knowing how and when to call 911, on their level of course. Then they all get to get a pic on the engine or truck and receive a jr ff badge. The USFA is a great resource to get coloring books, handouts etc. Good luck with your program!
Comment by Bruno BEUNEUX on April 22, 2009 at 4:35pm
hello all. i am fire chief in fire prévention in my département. i organise a conférence in schools. it's difficult in France to explain this, because all people think: Fire Prévention is expensive..!!!! i m alone in my département to do that. i'm sure safety/prévention are the job for firefighters to protect the people in your lifes. I like my job and i continue that always.
the schools conférences are the best to learn safety-prevention, they are the future.
excuse my "english spoken",but i try, try try, and learn to speak ok with my son
Bye all
Comment by Thomas on March 15, 2009 at 9:15am
Some one is playing games & it needs to stop. I enjoy working with all sorts of people. Fire Prevention is as important as Fire safety, & they may go hand in hand. I'm as much involved in Safety/Prevention, as I am Arson Investigation Ya all have a nice weekend, & I'm not leaving nothing any time soon
Comment by Andy Marsh on February 1, 2009 at 9:21am
I am starting to get excited. For many years, only 1 or 2 of us handled school presentations. We have organized an actual Fire Prevention Committee. By doing this we can expand our outreach. Lots planned, lots to do, but we will take it step by step. I'll be watching for additional suggestions or ideas.

Comment by CHAPLAIN MARK OSHINSKY on November 19, 2008 at 1:07am
Comment by franklyn Field on October 7, 2008 at 1:34pm
John. I interviewed 19 students who escaped the dorm fire at Seton Hall College in which 3 students died. Only one could remember receiving any fire safety education in grade school.None of the students received any instruction in High School.
I then interviewed 14 freshman entering nearby William Patterson College.I asked them each to quickly answer what they would do immediately if the smoke alarm went off and smoke filled their room. Eleven quickly responded " Stop Drop and Roll".Thats all they remebered ever learning. When I pointed out that their clothes were not on fire they answered "Well I would run out of the building"
If you are serious about teaching children then you must begin that teaching in the lower grades first as a serious event and not as a fun and games approach.
Those lessons must be taught by fire personnel not once a year but on a regular basis. I have yet to visit a school where fire eucation is on the standard curriculum all year round.
If anyone does know of one I would be grateful to learn of it.

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