I stumbled across a new resource recently that caught my attention: FDLiveIn.com.


The concept of fire station live-ins or bunk-ins, depending on what you call them, has been around for quite some time and with quite a bit of success. Different departments run their programs in different ways but the common theme is that the firefighter lives in the fire station “rent-free” in return for volunteer service. Most live-ins are students but not all, and in some departments entire families live in the fire station.


For whatever reasons, the concept has not caught on in my area of Erie County NY and I’ve always wondered why.


Click here to read the rest of the story: http://tigerschmittendorf.com/2011/02/07/bunk-in-or-just-bunk/

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Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on February 7, 2011 at 10:05pm
Hi Chief -

I don't just remember you - I think of you folks often. Meeting a firefighter from Charleston WVa last week prompted me to check up on your department via the web.

I saw that you've been having your struggles but I'm glad to hear you're making the best of it. Your department is who I was referring to when I mentioned FDs who have entire families living in their fire stations in my article.

You should register your program at FDLiveIn.com - maybe they can help you get more volunteers.

I'll send you a follow-up message on Facebook.

Stay safe. Train often.
Comment by Bruce W. James on February 7, 2011 at 9:28pm
hey Tiger,
I Dont know if you remember us down at Bradley-Prosperity Vol Fire Dept in West Virginia, we have a live-in bunk-in program that is working right now for us we have 1 family living in the main station at Bradley with about 5 other bunk rooms for members who just want to stay ever now and then. We also have two trailers on the property at our main station where 3 firefighters live. at our #3 station we have 3 firefighters leaving there. The bad new is our number 2 station and our repair facility we had to sell when bingo revenue dropped The board made the decision to sell it and I went along with what they wanted we about went bankrupt but we are holding our own for right now. But we also applied for a safer grant in 2009 and where approved which give us funds to hire a recruit cordinator and to pay the cost of the 1-800-fire-line program which we have carried totaly since the program came on board in WV approx 15 years ago. We are now able to continue to fund our losap plan and to reinstate the accident & sickness policy that we had to drop in 2006. Glad to find you on Facebook which led me to here.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on February 7, 2011 at 6:00pm
Thanks Mike -

You should register your program with www.FDLiveIn.com. Your program is a great recruitment and retention tool. Make the most of it.

Stay safe. Train often.

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