Paul Grimes
  • Male
  • Wicksburg, Al
  • United States
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Paul Grimes's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
14 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wicksburg Fire & Rescue Dept. Inc Wicksburg, Al
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
About Me:
I would like to sit here and tell you guys that I'm the man, I'm ready, been there and got the t-shirt. you know / know it all/ educated but I'm still a rookie in training everyday. The one thing that I can tell you about myself is that I have a heart, I bleed red, and I have a passion for well making sure that in a crunch you will never second guess that I will be there for you. No one on my watch will be left behind. We go in together we come out together. So my training is on going, titles don't mean near as much to me as the bonds that we have and build that bind us together and know come crunch time all across this nation that our comrads are there for us. Remember why you are doing this. We are trully one. In together-out togehter.
Day Job:
Construction / Remodeling
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
There's no greater mission in life to have than a passion for helping, those in need, the brotherhood, a comaradary second to none. The friendships, the differences that we as firefighters make in the lives of those in need and that of our own. The absolute bond we share all across this nation when one of us falls. Keep safe out there my extended family. From beautiful Wicksburg, Alabama Chiefgrimes
Why I Love Fire/EMS
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At 9:07pm on June 3, 2008, Paul Grimes said…
I'm not certain but I believe I have a HCR shirt that says diver on it but it is a large, and we will just have to order some more both fire-rescue and HCR as well. I'll try and remeber the info sheet for Corie. out!
At 8:59pm on June 3, 2008, Will said…
I also need to know where to get shirts, Houston County Rescue , with diver on it of course, lol and Wicksburg fire/rescue. I wanna try to look like everyone else lol.
At 8:55pm on June 3, 2008, Will said…
Thanks Chief. I cant wait for the next dive. I have figured out that diving is like a drug. I am hooked. I am ready to help @ any time, well as long as work lets me be around long enough to. Corrie should be coming this weekend to the meeting to join. If you get a chance to drop off the info page this week that would be great. I would tell her to get it but she would forget. Thanks again and be safe, see you in a few days hopefully.
At 7:26pm on March 31, 2008, Michele said…
HI Paul, Thank you for you kind words. And Yes, I think it has chosen him. It is deffinatly in him, he has been hanging around the fire house with his grandpa since he was about 6 years old, so I would say its in his blood. He will be a 3rd generation. His father was a fireman but was injured at his other job and had to quit both. He is a WONDERFUL CHILD. My Angel. At first I was not happy with his choice of careers, as I have watched you guys come to my ER, being I worked in one for so long. I had to let him make his own choices and accept them. I support him in what ever he does and will be there no matter what. If he falls, pick him up, brush him off and push him out the door to do it again. At least that is what he tells to do. So I must obey.. Or else.. LOL
Anyway, again Thank you for your kind words. They mean alot to a mother of a new fire fighter..
At 8:22pm on March 30, 2008, daniel collins said…
Training was pretty awesome. There is so much information to learn and with trainings like these past couple it makes the learning enjoyable and it tends to stick. I hope we can have more of the same in the future. The boat is ready, I hope that we will be able to go in the next couple of weeks.
At 8:43am on March 19, 2008, daniel collins said…
Cool beans. I will check with mom on the fishing. we are about to leave out so you all be careul and safe, I will see ya'll when we get back. I will try to send pics while we're there.
At 8:23am on March 19, 2008, Paul Grimes said…
not a problem ao the music, and when the crappie go to biting real good we need to take off. and we are gonna have on March 29th, extracation training, Nafeco is coming with all new equipment from Halmatro cutters, spreaders, ram tools, airbags, and cribbing fort stablization and hopefully Jamie's dad will furnish the cars for demolition :) jamies's working on that
At 10:35pm on March 18, 2008, daniel collins said…
no word from Rucker yet probaly will call while i am gone. we can go fishing any time we get ready. We need more trainings like that one. Need to let me know how to do the music when my page comes up.
At 8:22am on March 18, 2008, Christina Luick said…
This was an actual call on 2/13/2008. It is an awsome picture!
At 9:52am on March 16, 2008, Paul Grimes said…
pretty cool stuff, like the way you set up... when are we going fishing again. also I heard training was a blast...heard from Ft Rucker yet?

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