  • 36, Female
  • Ephrata, washington
  • United States
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Jessika's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Lake View, Washington
Years With Department/Agency
2 years
My Training:
Lots of training! I take all the trainging that I can get!
About Me:
Graduated high school 2007. I work full time at Intuit. I love taking my truck 4 bying! Outdoors is where i would rather be. I have been looking for a house to but but I just cant find the right one. I spend most my time at work or at the fire dept.
Day Job:
Security Guard for Intuit
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love to help others in any way that I can. My family has always been apart of it so I have been around it all my life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I know that I am going to get to help someone in some way.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Not enough people want to take the time to help others. Too many people think that they can do something and that they are really good at it when they are not they are just making matters worse

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Jessika's Blog

True or fake?

Posted on February 14, 2009 at 6:38am 4 Comments

I know that there are a lot of people who are true firefighters but then you have some who just want the title but dont want to do any of the work. I dont understand how someone couldnt want to help someone else if given the chance. I guess that because firefighting is what I grew up around is why I dont understnand. The people who want the title and think that they know everything are the ones who are going to get people into "trouble" and even possible hurt. I know from expireance what it is… Continue

First Major Wildfire

Posted on May 16, 2008 at 10:06am 2 Comments

I had my first major wildfire yesterday. When I heard the page for a delta wildfire my adrenaline was rushing. Anyways, the fire started out to be only 13acres and by the time that we had finished up it was probably more then 50acres. My mom says that I am crazy because those kinds of fires are my favorite. I love the smell and it is amazing to watch. Even though at times it can be a lot of sitting and waiting for the fire to be where you want it or dont want it either way it is still… Continue

wildfire season

Posted on May 13, 2008 at 2:07am 1 Comment

Now that it is wildfire season there are a lot of things to consider. For instance, whether it is safe enough to fight or even worth fighting. Whether or we should just let it burn. Anyways, because it is wildfire season I hope that everyone is going to stay safe and keep it real.

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At 3:35pm on August 27, 2008, BillySFCVFD said…
Hi Jessika,

It's great to see young people with the drive and ambition that you have. Great attitude too! My 23 year old son is a engineer/paramedic for CalFire and is working on being a Captain within a few years. He started out with your thinking too. I get plenty of firefighting advice from him. I like the "getting to calls" forum. Best wish to your career.

At 4:19pm on March 22, 2008, Danny said…
Hey there good to hear from ya..hope ya have a great weekend..take care
At 5:19pm on March 9, 2008, Danny said…
Hey girl whats ya been up too..hows things going up north..anything good..not much down here just been worken n tryen to stay out of trouble lol..take care..
At 9:13pm on February 21, 2008, Danny said…
Hey there good to hear from ya..thought maybe you had fallen off the earth or hitched a ride on the meteor.hehe..anyways hope you have a good weekend take care...
At 12:51am on February 13, 2008, Danny said…
hey jessika how are ya doing..whats been going on up north..anything good..have a great rest of the week..
At 4:08am on February 3, 2008, Danny said…
yea its snowen here now comen down pretty good..had a call on the interstate will see what comes next..take care be safe if ya roll out...
At 8:24pm on February 2, 2008, Danny said…
so whats going on this weekend..not too much here just got our new structure gear so will post pics on those when i get em done..ta ta for now...
At 4:29am on February 2, 2008, Danny said…
Hey there just stoppped into say hey hope ya have a great weekend..
At 12:19pm on January 23, 2008, Justin Payne said…
how are you today? you be safe out there
At 11:49am on January 23, 2008, Justin Payne said…
just wanted to say hello

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