I know that there are a lot of people who are true firefighters but then you have some who just want the title but dont want to do any of the work. I dont understand how someone couldnt want to help someone else if given the chance. I guess that because firefighting is what I grew up around is why I dont understnand. The people who want the title and think that they know everything are the ones who are going to get people into "trouble" and even possible hurt. I know from expireance what it is like to work with someone who just wants the "firefighter" title and when and if they go on a call I notice that they dont pay much attention and if it wasnt for the people around them this person would have gotton seriously hurt. People just need to think more clearly and think about the other people that they are putting at risk and quit just thinking of themselves.

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Comment by Jessika on February 16, 2009 at 3:30am
my definition of a true firefighter is someone who when the pager goes off for a call the adrenaline starts to run and excited to go and help out someone. What I call a "fake" firefighter is someone who may have the potential to be a great firefighter but mainly just wants to be able to say they are on a fire dept. There is nothing illegal about it they just dont have the passion and drive to do the work that is needed. Hence just wanting the title as being a firefighter.

We have had so far just one that I have noticed that basically just wanted the title and fortunately or unfortunately however you want to look at it she is no longer on the dept.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on February 15, 2009 at 12:36pm
I would be curious to know the definition of a "true" firefighter as opposed to "fake" firefighter.
And I would also like to know how "fake" firefighters got on your fire department in the first place.
In my state, a "fake" firefighter can be arrested and charged with impersonating a firefighter. If convicted, it comes with a fine and jail time.
I don't think we are talking the same thing.
Could you please define "true" and "fake" please? What you described doesn't fit into either.
Comment by BillySFCVFD on February 14, 2009 at 9:16pm
Hi Jessika,

Sounds like this is happening in your dept. Is it? Sure it's important that you know the differences and dangers associated with it but do your officers? Hope all is well with you. TCSS
Comment by Frederick on February 14, 2009 at 6:56pm
Jessica, I agree with you 100%. We have people who join our dept. and think they are free to go around and tell people they are a firefighter. It has been my experience that when someone goes out and brags about being a FF they are normally the ones who could not put out a candle. I am sorry to say, but I dont think this problem will ever go away. You are right though in saying about it is hard to understand why someone would not want to help others, but for the majority of the public it is hard for them to understand why a FF would want to risk him/her self to help strangers. All we can do is maintain a close group of true FF around us and continue to serve for the right reasons. Not because we want a pat on the back. May you stay safe and continue to love the job.

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