Duane M Messner
  • Male
  • Jacksonville, NC
  • United States
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Duane M Messner's Friends

  • Melissa Roming
  • John M. Romero
  • Michelle Munisteri
  • Shane Nale
  • Lyn
  • Bryan Saltsman
  • Wendy Jo
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  • Brian Gilbert
  • Frankie Winslow
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Duane M Messner's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
17 but if you count 4 years of SAR in USMC 21
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Jacksonville Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Rhodestown VFD
Richlands VRS
My Training:
Got it
About Me:
ask and I will tell

Day Job:
Fire Department
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Got in my blood and enjoy helping people. Like to run into burning buildings as other run out.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Get to help others
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Pay, Retirement, lack of presonnel

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 8:58pm on July 2, 2015, Melissa Roming said…

Hey!  Thanks for the add.  Yes, you will see me in Emmits as I think Ive been there every year since '99.  Make sure if you see me, say hi!  Stay safe and never forget!

At 9:44pm on August 22, 2008, John M. Romero said…
Ok you got me here,so help me out on fixin a page and placing pics
At 2:10am on August 3, 2008, Lyn said…
am back.....it was a trip, but food sucked, well, in comparison to southern cooking anyways,lol.
Now, if i get one more fool to pull on this shoulder, im going to go postal,lol..... think i could get away with it?lol. I'll only be throwing stamps at peoples forheads,lol.
OK, so heres my choice, since its seperated, i could let it fall off,( NOT), get it fixed n hybernate for the next year ( sounds like a plan) , or use some awesome firefighters(winks) to be my arms,back n shoulders.. but NO picking me up NO more daum it,lol...hmmmmm. what do you think?
missed you n talkin with u n laughin n cuttin up..... please be safe out there dear....... no playing super man in the fires........
with much love...........me,,,,,,the Capt, or LT. whichever u preferr ( i still preferr LT,no thanks to greg,lol)
At 8:48am on June 15, 2008, Lyn said…
Happy Fathers Day dear!
At 4:24am on June 5, 2008, Lyn said…
thank you so much dear for your comment, and caring heart and wishes. and thank you for being there for me, in time of need or not. **hugs**, so important to me and my heart feels your caring heart, thank you again dear.
At 8:19am on May 29, 2008, Michelle Munisteri said…
Thanks! We take pride in the memorial and have met many wonderful people through visits and ceremonies honoring fellow brothers and sisters lost. Come by and visit us anytime! Stay safe!
At 7:41am on May 24, 2008, Lyn said…
Loved the new "Ladies" fire alarm on the pictures you sent, was real funny,lol...Please be safe out there today, as I know you have to work today...shoot, so do I and everyone I know,lol. Whats up with all of us working on holiday weekend, isn't it Memorial weekend? Doesn't that mean we are suppose to have the weekend off like all the other normal folks? Wait, what am I talking about, were not normal, as we welcome the gates of hell, we always running into it, while others are running out of it,lol....Be safe hun!

Duane M Messner's Blog

OJT, Degree, or a combination

Posted on August 8, 2008 at 11:37pm 3 Comments

This is a blog that could actually turn into a good discussion as others read this and think about what is said as compared to what they have seen in their own department or area.

Recently, as may have happened in other areas, a person was given a position with out meeting the eligilbility requirements as set forth by the department mainly due to the fact of a degree. Now don't get me wrong, I think a degree is a good thing and has its place and use when appropriate. Do I think it should… Continue

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