This is a blog that could actually turn into a good discussion as others read this and think about what is said as compared to what they have seen in their own department or area.
Recently, as may have happened in other areas, a person was given a position with out meeting the eligilbility requirements as set forth by the department mainly due to the fact of a degree. Now don't get me wrong, I think a degree is a good thing and has its place and use when appropriate. Do I think it should be the main factor that someone is given a position over another? At times if all other factors are the same, but it should not be the main factor.
Now let me set somethings up so you will understand why I am writing this blog and the reason I am asking some of the questions I am asking throughout this blog. As is known, education is very important in any job, but that education should come in many forms and not just through a college program. I do know that some degrees will allow us to become a probationary in some area, ie. inspections. This is all well and good if the person already holds lets say a level 1 inspector certificate, ie probationary level 2 due to a degree if already a level 1 inspector.
The situation I have is this, that someone that has never done an inspection nor is eligible to become an inspector at this time was given a promotion to the Inspection Department. How did he get the position? Well that is what a lot of others want to know. He does have a 2 year degree, which is good for him, but that is the only reason that he was given the position. That was also done against the desire of that Department head. With the degree it allows him to be a probationary level 2, as set up by whomever makes those decisions. Unfortantly I don't think that the way it is being used now is how it was intended, but because it is writen vaguely it is open to interpitation. The person has not passed the level 1 test as of yet, so should he be allowed to be a probationary level 2? Should not there be a more logical progression that takes into account a certain amount of OJT?
I will wait to see if any have an opinion on this so I can do some more thinking with others input, as it is always better than being one sided. Hope to hear from some on this.
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