Dawn Melody Bladel
  • Female
  • Pineville, LA
  • United States
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
10 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Alpine Volunteer Fire Department/R.P.F.D.#3
Years With Department/Agency
8 years
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
Firemanship, Volunteer Basic Concepts, Hazmat Ops,Hazmat Awareness,First Responder,EMT (Candidate) Fire Safety and Fire Preventation Program instructors assissant ,Vocational level trning Medical Office Assistant,Nationally Certified Medical Assistant (1990-1999) Phlebotomy (trng and employment experience). Attended and graduatedfrom the City of Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Traing Academy,Jacksonville Florida. Attended Sierra Jr. College (1class ! semester). ConCorde Career Institute (graduated with honors in the top 3 of my class with a 98 G.P.A. 9 month course). Complete annual cetification inservice that is required of me by the local state and national licensing entities.
About Me:
Born in Florida raised in Missouri . Happily married 5 children ,7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchild. Hobbies include cooking,baking, gardening,trning my miniature pincher dog and real estate investing.Operating a non-profit organizaton.
Day Job:
Vol.firefighting CEO /Owner Home-based Business
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To serve the community where I and my family reside
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I believe that it is God's calling on my life.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Personal safety,constant current training ,funding that will keep the most modern euipment and technology availble for use. Pay, Pay,Pay!!

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Dawn Melody Bladel's Blog


Posted on March 9, 2009 at 4:00am 0 Comments

I have been a member of FFN for awhile now and I can think of no better way to get the word out on behalf of

Breana Mae Bladel and ask that everyone visit her website , pray for her and if you would like to, send her an encouraging email . Her story is on her website, she is a true inspiration to all that know and love her . She has endured some much in her 13 years of life and she doesn't complain or every ask why me . She is so brave and has so much courage I wonder somtimes if I were to… Continue

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At 2:02am on March 9, 2009, AFD said…
This is Maggie
OUR Family dog
Maggie is with the kids
at thiers Mothers Apt.
i see her now and then and we go walking at times and we play ball.
some day we will be together just my kids and maggie and Dad - Me .
Thank you , Anthony
At 9:52pm on February 17, 2009, Dustin Bruce said…
well, thanx for your comment, I've just been really busy lately and aint had much time for the FD as my job with the military has become pretty tied up...... if u have facebook add me Dustin Tractorboy Bruce
At 7:42pm on February 14, 2009, AFD said…
Thank you
you and your Husband have a Great
Valentines Day Week End
Bless You :)..... Anthony
At 9:13am on February 10, 2009, Kris Kerr said…
Thanks for the friend invite. Stay Safe!
At 9:00am on February 10, 2009, jaime aguilar said…
Thank you very much my post office are

I am to the delay, and again thank you very much
At 11:52pm on February 1, 2009, Kevin said…
Thanks and hope we can stay friends. I am also on my space. fdems114 if you get a chance. I have been doing this for a long time. Not allowed to be on the road any more. Had major surgery, appendix that burst and did not know it for a week and wound up in ICU and not able to be uninbated and then just resently had 3 strokes. But stand still do my work and dont wont to every stop. Will add as a friend if you want. Thanks for the comment. Love you for stopping by. Kevin
At 3:37pm on August 29, 2008, Jeff Borra said…
pretty quiet up here in VA had a lot of rain the other day part of fay other then that nothing is going on stay safe and dry with the next storm coming in.
At 12:08am on August 28, 2008, Dustin Bruce said…
btw, yes i do love restoring old tractors as well as fire apparatus, I helped restor a 1927 Hale, and a few other pieces, and am also doin a 1967 Ford C8000/Beam for myself and am making some modifications to it as well
At 12:05am on August 28, 2008, Dustin Bruce said…
howdy, how r ya????
At 6:20pm on August 20, 2008, Dawn Melody Bladel said…
Sleep well my friend ! :-) , I wrote the previous comment to you before I checked the "comments". Thank you for asking after mine and my hubby's welfare. Later !! Stay safe !!

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