I have been a member of FFN for awhile now and I can think of no better way to get the word out on behalf of
Breana Mae Bladel and ask that everyone visit her website , pray for her and if you would like to, send her an encouraging email . Her story is on her website, she is a true inspiration to all that know and love her . She has endured some much in her 13 years of life and she doesn't complain or every ask why me . She is so brave and has so much courage I wonder somtimes if I were to be enduring all that she ( her family too)has would I be as brave and courageous as she is !? And without a doubt God hand picked her parents for her they are very special people he knew that she would need them, their strength and their abilites to always do what is always best for her and her two sister Bailey and Noel.
Please visit her website and do as your heart leads you to . Thank you for your anticipated time , prayers and encouraging emails.
Her non-profit organization : A Hopeful Heart
Her website address : http://www.ahopefulheart.com/index.html

If you find that the link here doesn't work for you please email me at angelsmelody@cheerful.com and I will do my best to get you in contact with her and get you hooked into her website.
With a sincere hope and warmest regards,
David and Dawn Melody Bladel
Breana's Grandparents

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