5-Alarm Task Force Corp.
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  • Pompano Beach, FL
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  • John Dixon
  • Robert Owens

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5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

New Episodes of "5-Alarm Task Force!"

We're back with more episodes of "5-Alarm Task Force!" this coming week!On Tuesday Feb. 6th, we welcome Chuck Moran of Online Video Mastery, who will discuss how to make excellent videos with a cellphone for both retention and recruitment for your department. Then, on February 13th, our guest will be William Kohut. William is an accomplished and FAA-certified drone pilot and will discuss how to start and maintain these programs in your department. We hope you'll tune in when we post the videos…See More
Feb 1, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a status
"Due to lagging tickets sales, we have cancelled the "Thrive on Duty" webinar for 1/23/24."
Jan 16, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Learn to Cope wih Sleep Deprivation & High Stress Levels

One week from tomorrow on Jan. 23rd at 6:30PM/1830 EST, is our webinar, "Thrive On Duty: Optimize Your Sleep & Stress!" This presentation is geared to help you with two major issues First Responders deal with, all over the world: Sleep Deprivation and High Stress Levels. Moreover, these issues are NOT a sign of weakness - they are natural occurrences in the three key areas of Fire, Law Enforcement and EMS.Tickets are $20 and are available by using the link or the QR code below. You can also…See More
Jan 15, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Are You Able to Balance Being a First Responder With Your Personal Life & Family?

There's still time to purchase your ticket for our upcoming webinar on January 23rd at 6:30/1830 ET. Just use the link or the QR code on the flyer below.Tix are $20 and net proceeds benefit the 5-Alarm Task Force Corp., Foundation account. Why do we charge for our webinars? These funds have one purpose and one purpose only - to help our Brothers or Sisters and/or their families in dire need.An example? Of the more than $6,000.00 that we have donated to date, approximately 95% has gone to the…See More
Jan 13, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Do You Deal with Sleep Deptivation, Stress, Low Resilience??

"THRIVE ON DUTY: OPTIMIZE YOUR SLEEP & STRESS" is our webinar on January 23rd. CORRECTED TIME IS 6:30 PM ET!" Tix are $20 and available at bit.ly/ThriveOnDuty or visit our website at https://www.5-AlarmTaskForceCorp.org.  And SIX great door prizes will be…See More
Jan 12, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

"Thrive On Duty" Optimize your Sleep & Stress

Coming up on January 23rd. The CORRECT time is 6:30 PM (1830 hours) ET. Net proceeds benefit the 5-Alarm Task Force Corp. Foundation account, which provides fast funds for our Brothers or Sisters and/or their families in dire need. Tickets are $20 and available at bit.ly/ThriveOnDutySee More
Jan 10, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

What Were YOUR New Year's Resolutions?

The New Year is here! What resolutions did you make for yourself for the New Year? While many think of losing weight, making more money, etc., did you ever think of taking care of YOURSELF? No, we’re not talking about vitamins and supplements. Rather, we’re talking about the “inner you,” your overall behavioral health! You probably deal with sleep deprivation, stress and numerous other issues, but you do your best to tuck them away, hoping they’ll disappear on their own. But my friend, they…See More
Jan 7, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post


Pressure – almost every job has it, some more and some less. Perhaps one requires scaling new high-rise buildings or repairing the blades of a turbine windmill. Maybe another requires dropping hundreds or thousands of feet below ground level on in the sea. However, few have the every-single-day pressure that First Responders face. And as most of us learned in a high school science class, too much pressure will often lead to dire consequences! Those pressures include poor sleep, overtime, money…See More
Jan 3, 2024
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Webinar:Thrive On Duty - Optimize Your Sleep & Stress

First Responders! Folks often look at us like we wear capes and climb tall buildings in a moment! However, if those we serve take a closer look, they will see that we are as human as they are. Moreover, we deal with matters that we would not wish anyone else to see and/or handle. Sometimes though, we seem to "buy-in" the the superhero model and that's when we are exposed to the various forms of Kryptonite in our world.Whether you're in the fire service, law enforcement or EMS, we take an…See More
Dec 27, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Can You Balance Your Life With Family & Being a Firefighter?

During this holiday season, many of us do our best to balance our work time as First Responders and our family time; but it is not always easy! The demands of our work often erode the links we have to family and friends. Now, compound in the fact of some of the calls we respond to during, what is supposed to be a joyous season and our emotions can go haywire. Yet, we know that to do this job, we tuck our emotions into a "back pocket." Finally, you look at your image in a mirror and realize, you…See More
Dec 24, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Sleep Deprivation, Overtime, 2nd job, Money - HELP!!!

Personal Exposure...as firefighters this term has become very important to us since around 2014-2016. Carcinogens and cancers were the two key words for us. But what about EMOTIONAL exposure? Are we not faced with trauma and tragedy many times over? Do we even think about the repercussions to our mind, body and spirit from this type of exposure?On January 23rd at 6:30 PM ET, our preeminent presenters will focus on our behavioral health and provide some guidance to navigating the emotional…See More
Dec 19, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted blog posts
Dec 13, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a status
"New Online Webinar on January 23rd Thrive On Duty: Optimize Your Sleep & Stress! Tix on sale 12/11/23. Watch for our media flyer this week!"
Dec 1, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. liked John Dixon's group Leadership Exemplified
Dec 1, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

"5-Alarm Task Force" Podcast With Capt. Mike Daley

Our latest podcast audio is now available. My guest is Capt. Mike Daley and we discuss the new NFPA 1700 standard, including the "absorption" of the 1710 & 1720 standards and Capt. Daley's work as the president of "Kill the Flashover." If you have never heard of KTF or know what it is about, Capt. Daley explains it in detail!Listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform or our website at https://www.5-AlarmTaskForceCorp.orgStay…See More
May 5, 2023
5-Alarm Task Force Corp. posted a blog post

Episode 7-12 – Chris Kessinger – Citizens First Fire Training

As firefighters we spend a large part of our careers learning our craft. Some learn from the start and keep it going throughout their careers. Others think that from the academy they learned what was necessary and only continue their learning when they have to, i.e., mandatory department training. Across the country, there are often local, regional and national conferences with excellent speakers, instructors and often, “Hot Classes,” too! Yet, how many of us have attended a class to learn how…See More
Mar 30, 2023

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Job Function
EMT/Paramedic, Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Guilford College Fire Dept.. NC 1977-1981
DeWitt Fire Dept.. NY 1981-1985
American Red Cross, Framingham MA 1965-1970
My Training:
Basic Firefighter
Hydraulics & Pump Operator
High Level Rescue
Non-Profit Operations, Leadership Training, Fundraising
About Me:
Retired, partially disabled former firefighter who has always remained connected to the fire service. President of the nonprofit, 5-Alarm Task Force Corp.org. Our mission: One Family, One Mission, First Responders Helping Each Other.
We provide financial assistance to our Brothers and Sisters and/or their families, in dire need.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I've always loved the fire service. I grew up in the Boston area and visited many stations around the city and in the city. But there were no volunteer departments in the area. Thus, I devoted myself to the Red Cross. When I moved to NC it just so happened that there was a combination department just a half mile down the street, but I didn't know that. I walked in one day when the bay doors were open, just to look at the apparatus. An hour later, I walked out with an application and a polite request that I shave off my beard!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's who we are and it's what we do.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The two major issues today both deal with firefighter health. First, we have the Firefighter Fight Cancer initiative. With all the toxins and carcinogens that we face daily, it is taking far too high a toll on our personnel. The second issue is firefighter fitness. And this initiative must be applied across the board, from the probie to the chief and to every career, volunteer or paid-on-call firefighter. We are losing far too many firefighters, YOUNG firefighters, to preventable health issues. We MUST break this cycle!

5-Alarm Task Force Corp.'s Blog

New Episodes of "5-Alarm Task Force!"

Posted on February 1, 2024 at 8:38am 0 Comments

We're back with more episodes of "5-Alarm Task Force!" this coming week!

On Tuesday Feb. 6th, we welcome Chuck Moran of Online Video Mastery, who will discuss how to make excellent videos with a cellphone for both retention and recruitment for your department.

Then, on February 13th, our guest will be William Kohut. William is an accomplished and…


Learn to Cope wih Sleep Deprivation & High Stress Levels

Posted on January 15, 2024 at 9:47am 0 Comments

One week from tomorrow on Jan. 23rd at 6:30PM/1830 EST, is our webinar, "Thrive On Duty: Optimize Your Sleep & Stress!" This presentation is geared to help you with two major issues First Responders deal with, all over the…

Are You Able to Balance Being a First Responder With Your Personal Life & Family?

Posted on January 13, 2024 at 11:24am 0 Comments

There's still time to purchase your ticket for our upcoming webinar on January 23rd at 6:30/1830 ET. Just use the link or the QR code on the flyer below.…

Do You Deal with Sleep Deptivation, Stress, Low Resilience??

Posted on January 12, 2024 at 10:00am 0 Comments


Tix are $20 and available at bit.ly/ThriveOnDuty or visit our website at https://www.5-AlarmTaskForceCorp.org. …


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