Webinar:Thrive On Duty - Optimize Your Sleep & Stress

First Responders! Folks often look at us like we wear capes and climb tall buildings in a moment! However, if those we serve take a closer look, they will see that we are as human as they are. Moreover, we deal with matters that we would not wish anyone else to see and/or handle. Sometimes though, we seem to "buy-in" the the superhero model and that's when we are exposed to the various forms of Kryptonite in our world.
Whether you're in the fire service, law enforcement or EMS, we take an emotional beating, even when we will not admit. Not only do we put on a brave face for the public, we all too often do so with our colleagues and even our families! It may work for a while, but there will come a time when there will be a reckoning.
We invite you to join us on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 6:30 PM ET for "Thrive On Duty - Optimize Your Sleep & Stress." Our two presenters will share their personal "trip" on the very rocky seas of burnout, fatigue, sleep deprivation, overtime, etc. Most importantly, this webinar is to show you that you can still do the job you love and, still love and take care of yourself and those closest to you.
Chief (ret) Arjuna George retired early from the department he had basically grew up in. Many of the behavioral health issues noted above, he had to deal with. Yet, he found his way out of that quagmire and today is a successful author ("Burnt Around the Edges") documenting his journey and he is a successful coach and mentor with Silver Arrow Coaching & Consulting.
Andi Clark has over thirty years experience in the health and wellness industries. She is a wife and mom. Her husband is a very busy police officer. He is called in for special duty, extra shifts, etc., all too frequently. The difficulties of working that job that hard took a toll on both him and his family. That's when Andi decided she had to do something for him and others in the same "boat." She applied herself and became certified in sleep, stress and resilience amongst her other certifications and has been helping first responders ever since.
Tickets are now on sale. The price is $20/ticket (may be slightly higher in Canada). Net proceeds go directly to the 5-Alarm Task Force Corp. Foundation account. Since 2020, we have send checks for over $6,000 US to firefighters and/or their families. Sadly, most of this money went to the families of Brothers who made the Supreme Sacrifice. Yes, there are local, state and federal monies that come with an LODD, but they take a while to process. After vetting an incident, we forward a check to the specific representative of the family to help tide them over. What we are unable to do is mend those broken hearts. To purchase your ticket, use the link bit.ly/ThriveOnDuty or the QR code. Tickets are limited so be sure to purchase yours right away!
We have six great Door Prizes available with this webinar. The name of every attendee who purchased a ticket will be placed in a hat and drawn. You do not have to be present to win, as long as you purchased a ticket.
1. Life Scan Wellness Centers will provide a complete, early-detection physical exam. (Currently, not available in Canada). The winner can choose to visit one of the "brick & mortar" clinics in Florida (all travel, per diems, meals are not covered) or the company will find the department nearest to you and have you included in their next visit.
2. Thin Red Line Decon will provide a box of the best decon products to the winner AND....a carton of those decon products to the winners firehouse!
3. The Firehouse Tribune and author Nic Higgins will provide a set of the "5-Tool Firefighter" book and its accompanying workbook.
4. From Andi Clark, (911 Lifestyle By Andi Clark) a 2-hour, personal consultation.
5. Chief Arjuna George will provide a personalized copy of this book, "Burnt Around the Edges" detailing his personal battle with behavioral health issues.
6. Pryguylevers - Founder Mark Slafkovsky has donated one of their brand new fulcrum tools, "The Mini!" Laser welded, this tool fits on your tool belt and has a myriad of uses on many emergency scenes.
Thank you for your support. That support will definitely help a Brother or Sister and/or their families in dire need.

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