Added by Chief Phillips 0 Comments 0 Likes
Added by Chief Phillips 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on February 9, 2008 at 4:17am 4 Comments 0 Likes
How y'all doin'? Need some help. My department has 20 Drager 2200psi/30 min. air packs that we are trying to get rid of. If anybody knows a department that can use them, please let me know. The price is up in the air! LOL!
Thanks all!
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Chief Doug Phillips and the Ft. Johnson Fire Department has donated to Eastlake Fire Department 8 complete S.C.B.A's spare tanks, parts and testing equipment. That kind of generosity is unparalleled except within the brotherhood of firefighters, two departments 840 miles apart, with the only common bond of our choice of volunteering out lives to the service of the Fire Department. We in Eastlake just wanted to let everyone on Firefighter nation know how much we appreciate you and your departments generosity and hospitality during our short stay in your fine town. Words cannot express the gratitude our department has for the Ft. Johnson Fire Department. The SCBA's we had were old and in a very frail state, our department did not have the funds and failed multiple times in our quest for a grant to cover the expense of purchasing refurbished SCBA's. The SCBA's we received from The Ft. Johnson Fire Department are in “like new” condition and every firefighter on Eastlake's department was excited to say the least, to check out our “new” equipment. And to see how much safer they are.
We would like to let everyone in the World know how grateful we are to Chief Doug Phillips and the entire Ft. Johnson Fire Department
Thank You,
The Village of Eastlake
President Dan Janicki
President Pro-tem Patricia Baumbach
Council Members
Sue Vasquez
Dawn Kramer
Patricia Schmidt
David Drew
Jason Stamp
The Eastlake Fire Department
Chief Jim Adamski
Asst .Chief Steve Bernatche
Capt. Al Vasquez
Lt. Marvin Lewis
Safety Officer Teresa Belohlavy
Dan Janicki
Art Breece
Myron Adamski
Doe Kata
Issac Lopez
Michelle Bernatche
Jason Stamp
Jack Karnisz
John Karnisz
Seth Kelly
Tom Short
Jake Kuenzer