How y'all doin'? Need some help. My department has 20 Drager 2200psi/30 min. air packs that we are trying to get rid of. If anybody knows a department that can use them, please let me know. The price is up in the air! LOL!

Thanks all!

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Comment by Chris Hayden on February 9, 2008 at 2:18pm
You may want to consider eBay. I have seen alot of items from the fire service, including airpacks, sold there.
Comment by Bill Brennan on February 9, 2008 at 11:59am
Sounds likeyou guys needs them a hell of alot more than we do.
Comment by jdstamp on February 9, 2008 at 11:13am
Hey Chief,
My department is using 35 year old MSA packs and we are in deperate need of new packs.
I am very interested. although I have no rank on the fire department, I am on The Village Counsel and have a say on spending.

Please respond A.S.A.P. as there is a revenue sharing dead line in March, I know we can get some funding from the local Tribe, their PILT funds are low but but they are required to spend X amount for public safety.

I would like to know the details of the packs ie; why are you getting rid of them, how old, how worn, what all is included with each pack, the price, and if possible photos would be nice.

Thank You
Comment by Bill Brennan on February 9, 2008 at 9:52am
Are they in decent shape?My dept uses drager packs.We may be interested.

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