Brian OcQue
  • 37, Male
  • Clyde, NY
  • United States
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  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer
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We are not born equal sinners or perfect knock-offs of God. The world tells us whether we're heroes or victims. But, we can decide for ourselves too...

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Arcadi Romera left a comment for Brian OcQue
"Hello Brian, I have a question for you. I'm firefighter in Barcelona, Spain. Best regards"
Jan 25, 2022

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
7 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Newark-Arcadia EMS
Years With Department/Agency
7 years
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Town Of Lyons Ambulance EMT-P Paid
Newark-Arcadia Volunteer Ambulance Deputy Chief / Crew Chief
My Training:
I'm a certified NYS EMT-B as well as a NYS firefighter. Through my departmental training I've acquired certifications in SCUBA/ICE Rescue, RIT Team, FAST Team, HAZMAT Operations Level, Interior Firefighting, Exterior Operations, CEVO 3 and EVOC.
About Me:
I've always been the one to want to help out. Always wanted to be able to make someone elses day a bit easier, and I think that's what I am able to accomplish on a daily basis. I used to work fast food, absolutely hated it. Wanted so much more for myself, not necessarily pay wise, but a more gratifying venue. I have found that by becoming a NYSEMT and firefighter.
Day Job:
EMS Staffing - Newark, NY Division
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
The first time I ever watched someone die, watched them die with nothing or nobody around to help, created the most horrible feeling I hve ever felt. Helplessness. No one should ever be helpless. I want to try and make that a reality. EMS and Fire situations are also a sort of puzzle for me. I love the thrill of problem solving and figuring ways to achieve the ultimate goal, preservation of life itself. I'm a first generation firefighter and EMT in my family, with every intention of keeping it going. This sort of stuff is foreign to my family, but they know why I do it lol....
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to choose against God when it comes to people dying...
Top Issues Facing Responders:
BURNOUT.... How does your union treat you?----Treatment of volunteers in the organization... DO's and chiefs need to remember that we are VOLUNTEERS, not employees, and some things are just taking it too far...

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Brian OcQue's Blog

Just a Bit of Creative Metphors lol...

Posted on August 6, 2008 at 9:12am 1 Comment

On one half the road the sun peaks over the horizon and looms over fog filled valleys. The red orange and pink glow of the flourescent wonder makes me squint a bit as I wander down the middle of the road. I look ahead and see only what I have seen for the past twenty years. A long, long winding road with many voids to the left and to the right. Half of the road harbours all the comforts of day. Singing birds, tall lush forest, a cool, comforting breeze blows through the branches of the… Continue

The Biggest Mistake of my Life...

Posted on August 6, 2008 at 9:11am 1 Comment

Ok, I was driving to work today and happened to stop at a local grocery store for something to drink, when I ran into one of my teachers from high school. For some reason or another, I suddenly started thinking about the time that I had in school. Did I do a good enough job? What things did I miss out on? Could I have done some things differently? If so, what were they?

I'm not going to say what I think most people my age would say. "Oh yes, I had a great time in school!" NO.... I… Continue

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At 10:43am on January 25, 2022, Arcadi Romera said…

Hello Brian,

I have a question for you.

I'm firefighter in Barcelona, Spain.

Best regards

At 10:46am on January 19, 2011, Justin Scott said…
things are pertty good over this way, how bout over there? been kind of slow lately(which is scary) just been training the new guys and waiting for some ppl to retire/ quit on the ambulance services around here so i can get hired on (im on top of 2 diff agency hiring list,). other than that its the same ol same ol.
At 7:13pm on November 10, 2010, Chelsea S said…
Haha. Yea, it was pretty funny.
At 11:40am on October 23, 2010, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Hey Brian. Great to meet you. My parents grew up in the Clinfton Springs/Geneva area. So I have spent some time in your neck of the woods. I look forward to seeing you around the pages. Stay safe. Heather
At 9:14am on October 22, 2010, Justin Scott said…
i hear ya, being a chief officer myself i compleatly understand. been kind of neglecting the site myself since being the unoffical training officer aka doing probie training for out 4 new guys.
At 2:21pm on September 9, 2010, Justin Scott said…
just stopping by to say hello. stay safe
At 8:57am on August 2, 2010, Justin Scott said…
doin pertty good, just tryin to get 4 new probies in shape.... thats a job in its self right there. how are you doin?
At 10:12am on January 7, 2010, Justin Scott said…
just stopping by to say hello.
stay safe out there
At 7:56pm on December 29, 2009, Justin Scott said…
thanks for the add brother
stay safe and warm out there
At 3:07pm on December 29, 2009, Leah said…
"Clinical Enhanced Opportunity" is going well. How about you? I hope you had a great Christmas. I cant believe we are back in school next monday. I hope you have a great day.

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