Rylie Rowell
  • Female
  • Knoxville, TN
  • United States
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Rylie Rowell's Friends

  • Randy Garret
  • Troy Nadeau
  • Donald Raver
  • Mike Briggs
  • Jose Luis Zapata Sanchez
  • Bryan Sypniewski
  • James R. Briggs
  • Tom Janson
  • Arnautu Marius
  • Michael Madrid
  • Nigel Lammas
  • Abraham Banks
  • Randy Berger
  • Tyler R Donivan

Rylie Rowell's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Lifeguard International
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
About Me:
I am 35 years old.I have just gotten out of the military and finally settling down and adjusting to the civilan life.
Day Job:
Lifeguard International EMT/PARAMEDIC
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
A friend was showing hers..I found it interresting and wanted to meet knew people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I want to help people...i want to save lives.

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 12:56am on November 24, 2010, Randy Garret said…
Medic 17 has never rocked out to Rob Zombie..We are a country only unit. I could hear and see you head banging and playing your air guitar. How did you get meeks to change the station. Its been great working with ya we needed a woman around here to keep us pigs in line. Your a tough one thats for sure. rye your up next...sleep well.
At 3:50am on November 6, 2010, Mike Briggs said…
Glad the job is going well.are you still coming 
Coming for a visit mid November. We will have t
Get the gang together and all go out. Lilly had 
Her babies.and yes I said babies we have twins 
A girl Bailey rose and a boy Christopher blazin..
Aka blaze..guess which one I named.Patrick is i
In here he is gonna be looking you up.he says
Told me to tell you hello.said a few other things
But I won't go there lol you were saying active 
Duty again.What's up with briley and how is 
A mom to a 16 yr old going? Well I am going to 
Get me nap before the next call..see ya Rye
At 9:05am on November 3, 2010, Mike Briggs said…
Sgt Rowell we sure do miss seeing you around here. Sgt Bishop isnt as pretty as you.lol We give him a hard time,but he is a good guy. I think he misses you to. So how is the normal life going? Are you liking the new job? I hope all is well with you. You are missed round here its just not the same. With out that bad ass TN attitude of yours.
At 12:40am on October 31, 2010, Derek R. said…
Welcome,welcome,welcome!! Come on in, step right up. I'd like to welcome you to FNN. Your badge is your passport. Your desire is the magic key to unlock all that awaits you. Feel the laughter, and the frenzy, and meet all the unusual members. And the members??...welll they're something else.
Have fun and enjoy yourself. Lots to learn and great people to meet.
thnx for the add, Rylie.
At 10:38pm on October 29, 2010, Dave Galka said…
Welcome to the nation Rylie, stay safe
At 9:01am on October 28, 2010, RON aka "LUCKY" said…
hey, thanks for the add but a bad move on your part ,,,, now your gonna have to write once in awhile to help me remember who you are lmao :-D ,,,, write about anything, life, the man, the job, pets, even a good joke, whatever ,,,, nothing like exchanging e-mails with friends when it's slow here at the station ,,,,
i work at a military base, check out my pics i have a bunch old and new ,,,,
C-ya, be safe and god bless
At 2:34am on October 28, 2010, Fabulous Heather Days of Summer said…
Hey Rylie: Welcome to FFN. Great to meet you. Great pictures on your page. Jump on in and join any or all conversations and groups. We can be a fun people, though there are a few on here to avoid. I look forward to seeing you around the pages. Stay safe. Heather
At 5:54pm on October 27, 2010, RON aka "LUCKY" said…
rylie, welcome to the group ,,,, this is a fun place & does have some interesting blog discussions ,,,, i also like seeing how other departments perform the same operations ,,,, and being a truck guy, i love looking at pics of different apparatus's used all over the world ,,,, word to the wise, if you trade patches be careful, there are a few people here looking to get one from ya and not send one back ,,,, i won't mail anything till i have something in hand now, but you do what you want ,,,, my goal is not to get a patch i do not collect them ,,,, but i will trade duty shirts from far away countries or people close that really want to trade and that's were i got BURNED ,,,, i'm just watching your back and given ya a heads-up, something all of us on the job do, it's what the brotherhood is all about ,,,, if you wanna add me as a friend, great, if not that too is OK, my message is intended to give ya a heads-up & welcome you to the site ,,,,
be safe and god bless ,,,,

ps: O-ya, what kinda help do ya need, i'm new too but will share what i know ,,,,
At 10:15pm on October 26, 2010, Brian OcQue said…
Hey there, thanks for the add!
At 3:24pm on October 25, 2010, Capt.Jocelyn Chiasson said…
welcome to FFN hope you enjoy the site and have fun looking around and get involve!!

be safe and take care!!

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