Ok, I was driving to work today and happened to stop at a local grocery store for something to drink, when I ran into one of my teachers from high school. For some reason or another, I suddenly started thinking about the time that I had in school. Did I do a good enough job? What things did I miss out on? Could I have done some things differently? If so, what were they?

I'm not going to say what I think most people my age would say. "Oh yes, I had a great time in school!" NO.... I had an ocque time (haha, little pun on my own name hehe), a mediocre time at that. Aside from Mr. Lawson's hilarious history class, MR ALEXANIAN, and football and marching band, there really wasn't much there. I was more of one of those people that sort of befriended everyone, and I didn't mind that. I surely accomplished what I wanted to academically with a scholarship and the number 12 spot in the standings, but you know, that's not what I think about when I think of school. And besides, in comparison to the rest of my life, That was a really small portion of it.

One thing that sticks out in my mind like one ENORMOUS sore thumb, is my whole dating thing. When i was with the ex I seconded so many of my friends. They were now in the background, and for what? Of course, you all know that it didn't work out. I was so guilty for leaving them behind. I apologized to a lot of them, and you know, the funny thing is, they all forgave my biggest mistake. They all figured that I would still be worth their time. Tht kind of confidence was breath taking! It changed my whole outlook on things. My attitude towards people changed. Hopefully for the better

What I learned from that is friends, good friends I mean, are very hard to come by. Someone who is always loyal to you and would never leave your side. Even if you did it to them. Those people are my family. They always will be. And they all know that. I learned one of the most important lessons that I'll ever know. I've gotta keep all my friends close. Always. Like I said before, they're the only family I have left that I can depend on...

I love making friends, making good relationships with the ones you have and so on. I find that if you make enough friends, it sort of helps out in other aspects of life. When you know so many people, there is that possibility that you'll find the one that's right for you... That's my mission I suppose...


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Comment by Rae Ann Ozelis on August 6, 2008 at 5:19pm
Great post!!!! I often think of the same things........

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