  • Female
  • North carolina
  • United States
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Toni's Friends

  • Willie Dale Rubertino
  • Chris Osborne
  • Robert Head
  • Jeremy W.
  • Donnie Strickland
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)
  • Chris
  • Doc82
  • R Knott
  • Darcy
  • michael tyndall
  • Dale Dittrick
  • Mike
  • Todd
  • Allen Jordan

Finally I've reached the top of the mountain and it feels great!!!!!

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, EMT - Basic, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Butner Public Safety
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Bahama Frie Department Volunteer
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's a feeling unlike any other

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At 3:50pm on November 6, 2009, Capkurt said…
Congrats on the full time job!
At 9:50pm on May 16, 2009, Chad King said…
Sounds like a decent system. Take Care.
At 12:15pm on April 26, 2009, adel said…
Hi, i read your post and see your photos. Very good. You'r a young women in this job. I'm Officier, i have 27 Firefighers years and i working with a women's for attack fire. i can say that: the women are a positive "élement" in difficults situations with me when there are a childrens or critical situation with particularity rescue. I think work Firefigther is a job for men and women. You must believe in you and all is't OK. Remember star wars "the force with be you".

At 12:25pm on April 25, 2009, Bull said…
thanx for adding me as your friend
At 12:24pm on April 25, 2009, Bull said…
Thanx for adding me as your friend!! I completely agree with your comment bout y your a firefighter. Remember you cant train enough!!
At 12:22pm on April 25, 2009, Bull said…
Hey Toni thanx for adding me as a friend. I love your reasoning for being a firefighter. It definitly is a feeling like no other. Hope you stay with it. There isnt too many female fireifghters that are really into it. Love the pics also!!! And remember you can never train enough!
At 10:56am on April 10, 2009, Chad King said…
Do you split your time with the PD and FD in your new job? Do you respond with the FD, if that day you work for the PD? Just wondered how that would work. Crazy me.
At 10:51am on March 25, 2009, Chad King said…
How is everything at Butner? Staying busy with training? Take Care.
At 7:52pm on January 28, 2009, Dexter Hatcher said…
My brother was a Captain at the Beckley PD while I served with the BFD, so just a little jab a him as his son is now a vol. fireman.
At 8:25pm on January 11, 2009, Darcy said…
Hey Toni well thanks for adding me can't wait to chat with u some time just want to say like the photo's looks like u have fun and love what u do .I think that sweet to get ur kids started early to lol, that's sweet well hope to chat with u soon and stay safe out there.

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