Hey there brothers and sisters,  I am trying to collect as many training power points and training classes as I can.  I am the training officer for a small dept and I am running out of materials.  With a very tight training budget (none) we cannot afford to purchase already prepared training programs.  Can anyone help?  I would appreciate any help that you can offer. I am looking for haz-mat, size-up, tactics & strategy , engine company ops, truck company ops, squad company ops and rope rescue. 


Once again thank you for your help and stay safe.  Keep training until everyone goes home!





Views: 2287

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Kevin go to Jones and Bartlet's website. The have an instructors deal for the Latest "fundamentals of Firefighter Skills". If you are the Training Officer of a Department all you have to do is fill out a request for the material and tell them you are wanting to adopt a training program and they will send you the entire Instructor's Package for free, it cost around $600 but you get if for nothing! When i sent them the request I had my stuff with in 2 days. The Material is Awesome. I am a adjunct Instructor For my local Technical College and that is what we use to teach FF1 and FF2 the material is GREAT. I adjunct for the GA Fire Academy too but the use Essentials, Fundamentals is better, it explain things so well and it has all the powerpoints, outlines and skill sheets!

Bryan Altman
I presume the site is called www.jblearning.com. Where on the site is the form to fill out?
If you want to e-mail me a mailing address I'l send you a cd with what I have. Also try http://faculty.sunydutchess.edu/walsh/fire_training_resources.htm a great source of info. E-mail me at rodenwald@fentonfire.org.

Good Luck,
Rob Odenwald
yeah. I found it but it will be easier for me and you if you just give me a call and ill walk you through on how to find it. My cell is 229-256-7107, im at the FD today so just call when ya get a chance. Stay safe brother!
Rob- can you send me a disk as well? I would greatly appreciate it!

My email address is kevinschulz1@gmail.com I really appreciate all of your help. My home address is

Kevin D. Schulz
5774 Flagler Dr.
Roscoe IL 61073
I just saw this reply, send me you kailing address and I'll give you what I got.

I have over a dozen training PPT's that I have either originated or acquired over the past 6 years. E-mail me for topics I have or subject matter you need.

Thank you for your offer to help, I am really looking for anything that you can offer me. I especially need haz mat and tech rescue ppt. But I will gladly take anything that you are willing to share. My email address that would best be suited to receive these files would be sbfd326@gmail.com if that doesnt work for some reason please feel free to call me on my cell phone. 815-621-4595.

Thank you,

Kevin Schulz
City of South Beloit Fire Dept


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